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Preguntas Frecuentes

Here, you can see some answers to the questions or issues you may have. You can also contact us at lsadmin@wmcint.org

Proyecto Monarca

¿Cuáles son los países seleccionados que están disponibles para el Proyecto Monarca?

The Monarch project is designed to operate in the countries where our regional teams do not focus. See what countries are eligible aquí

How do I see my courses after I have signed up and paid?

You can view your courses by logging in, then click on the  “Courses” button.
You can also see your courses when you view your account.

Live School is available in 13 languages, but why do I only see some of them on the Signup form?

We are releasing the other languages of Live School as free updates periodically. Stay connected to learn more about the updates and new content coming soon.

¿Qué hace por mí un certificado de Live School?

The Live School certificate is awarded to the students that watch all the sessions and submit their one-page notes of homework for each. Once they have their Live School certificate, they can go on to receive partial credit toward higher education. Lee mas

¿Por qué se llama Proyecto Monarca?

We named this project after the Monarch Butterfly, capable of migrating thousands of kilometers across continents. Our prayer is that Live School students and Alumni would be like the strong and focused monarch butterfly. They would be released to spread the gospel wherever God would lead them, in their own community, or even to other continents like the monarch butterflies.

¿Cómo empiezo?


Join the Monarch Project by signing up at


Mira las sesiones de Live School

Live School se compone de 242 sesiones diseñadas para transformar a las personas en misioneros holísticos para sus comunidades.

Enviar Tarea

Escriba su reflexión y notas de una página, y envíelas con una imagen o un archivo de documento.

Obtener la Certificación para ser Liberado

Una vez que complete las 242 sesiones con su tarea, podrá recibir su certificado de Live School y ser elegible para un crédito parcial para su título de educación superior.

Contact Us

We’d love to answer any other questions or concerns you may have
