1 Corinthians 14:8 – “Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?”

Called to Provoke, Enthuse and Inspire the Body of Christ In Order That It May Be Released to the Task of World Evangelism
Through innovative projects, the World Mission Centre is committed to
Through innovative projects, the World Mission Centre is committed to
Partnering with local churches around the world in rural backstreets or urban centers where there are few theological resources.
Empowering pastors through pastor’s conferences and the Live School curriculum – to train their church members in theology, evangelism, leadership, discipleship, and much more.
Releasing those Live School students to preach the gospel and plant churches within their own country, in nearby unreached people groups, and to the ends of the earth.
Partnering with local churches around the world in rural backstreets or urban centers where there are few theological resources.
Empowering pastors through pastor’s conferences and the Live School curriculum – to train their church members in theology, evangelism, leadership, discipleship, and much more.
Releasing those Live School students to preach the gospel and plant churches within their own country, in nearby unreached people groups, and to the ends of the earth.
The Regions We Work In

World Map
Live School Missionary Training is available as
Portable unit that can plugin to any screen, tv, or projector using HDMI or AVI cables
Apply to be a facilitator and download all of the Live School Curriculum for your group, church, or ministry
Online Monarch
Enroll and begin streaming Live School as an individual using the Live School Monarch Project
The importance of collaboration between formal and informal theological education
The World Mission Centre, through its Live School initiative, assists pastors of local churches in training their members to reach unreached people and areas to establish churches in those communities.
The Live School curriculum is an informal resource for discipleship, mission activities, and church development. The World Mission Centre and the Live School recognize the significance of formal theological education and advocate forcertain pastors and leaders to pursue comprehensive training in a structured academic setting.
This is essential, as well-educated pastors and theologians can offer invaluable guidance and mentorship to individuals who have received informal theological training.
Formal and non-formal theological education collaboration is essential for successful church planting and fulfilling pastoral objectives.
Click here to register to start a Live School
The Live School curriculum is offered in 14 predominantly global trade languages. Consequently, it is embraced and utilized by local churches, home churches, and individuals across more than 100 countries.
The languages available are Spanish, French, Portuguese, English, Arabic, Turkish, and Korean. Mongolian, Russian, Somali, Hausa, Swahili, Farsi, and Hindi.
• They already know the language and customs, and they require less time for cultural acquisition.
• They live close to unreached people groups.
• They live at the economic level of those they seek to reach and already have an area of influence within their culture.
• They have access to closed, foreign countries where traditional missionaries are not welcome.
• They can train other nationals as missionaries more cost effectively than sending in a foreign missions trainer.

This Just In
World Mission Centre is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization with offices in the United States and South Africa
USA: P.O. Box 2727 Irmo, SC 29063
RSA: 257 Jean Ave, Centurion, 0157, South Africa