2017 was a season of war and undoubtedly it will continue to be so in 2018. In fact, wars and rumors of war in various countries of the world, financial turmoil and persecution of Christians and church will intensify and the results will significantly influence the way we live our lives and do our work.
But it is in this turmoil and chaos that the greatest harvest is being gathered in. There is no doubt that the spiritual warfare in gathering in the harvest will also intensify. The most amazing thing though is that God is working powerfully and accelerating the process and He is inviting us to join Him in this exciting work.
I have been reading the Psalms lately and was again reminded that David was a man of war. In Psalm 40 verse 7 David makes an incredible statement. He says, “Then I said, Here I am, I have come – it is written about me in the scroll.”
It is as if this man of war reports for duty to the general of the Lord’s army and he is absolutely certain that he must be there because of who he is and what he is capable of. He declares that his life’s story is recorded in the scroll of heaven. He is also saying, “I am here to do His will, to join the action and fulfill my destiny as it is written in the scroll of heaven.”
In 2018, you and I also need to say, “Here I am, I have come” to do His will and fulfill our destiny by joining in to gather the harvest in this great outpouring. We can join in through prayer, sending, going and giving.
Let us be encouraged to live our lives in 2018 according to what is written in the scrolls of heaven!
Many blessings,
Willie & Lydia Crew