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This past year has been one of huge transition in the World Mission Centre.  Not only have we finally resettled the administration office in South Africa and the USA,  but  we  are also  working  to  better  understand  how  to  decentralize  the  organization  in  order  to  get  into  a position to meet the enormous challenges and opportunities to impact the Kingdom that is coming  our  way.  On  another note,  Lydia and  I  have  almost  completed the  building  of our  home which is being used as a “mentoring”  house where we can invite some of our  team members  to  join  us  for  times  of  intentional  mentoring  and  coaching  sessions.  The  other  purpose of the house is to invite senior leaders from around the world to visit us for a time of mutual learning and encouragement which we believe will lead to a better understanding of the challenges that the church is facing. We believe that this interaction will lead to more focused partnerships to reach the unreached.

As we come to the beginning of 2016, our hearts are filled with urgency to see thousands more trained through the Live School to go and present the message of Jesus to those who have not had the opportunity to hear the Good News of the Kingdom.

Jesus said that the Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. He also said that we are to PRAY the Lord of the harvest to “thrust” out laborers into the harvest fields.

Mass migration and displacement of millions of people as a result of horrific wars, economic uncertainty, social unrest, massive droughts, unusual weather patterns, food insecurity and a lack of good water is causing millions to ask of there is a god out there that really cares for them.

Who else can tell them about the only true God that loved them so much that He sent His Son  to  open  the  way  for  them  to  have  an  eternal  relationship  with  a  loving  Father?  Who  else  can tell them  that  Jesus is  “the way, the truth, and the  life:  and that no man cometh unto the Father, except by Him” – Except people like you and me that have been given the privilege to hear the Gospel and say yes to His invitation.

We  can  multiply  our  efforts  thousands  of  times  over  if  we  train  and  disciple  hundreds  of  thousands of believers that live close to the unreached people of the world so that they in turn can reach millions around them.

The  Live  School  is  a  unique  tool  used  by  the  Lord  to  do  just  that.  Train  hundreds  of  thousands to gather in the harvest.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey.

Willie & Lydia Crew