This has been a year of headway, development, progress, you name it; thanks to the boundless mercy and grace God has shown us.
2 Corinthians 3:5
Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim that anything comes from us, but our competence comes from God.

In March, God graciously made a way for us to send Diana to the WMC USA office for capacity building. While under the leadership of William, she was able to gain skills in photography, videography, editing and content creation. In addition to this, she had the opportunity to share and create awareness on the work we as World Mission Centre Eastern Africa (WMCEA) do at different speaking engagements in North Carolina. The office acquired a camera some equipment as well as accessories for content creation across the region. The content will be shared on various platforms like Instagram and Facebook to increase visibility of the organization and form partnerships.
Later on in the year, we were blessed to have a team of 15 people from Harvest Church come to Kenya, and minister among the Dorobo; i.e., a pastoralist community in the Northern Frontiers. During their time in Isiolo, they also painted and launched a church plant, while commissioning the missionary on site.
Along with the 15 from the USA, we were able to recruit and send a team of three from Nairobi to join them and help with their work; as a result, one of the Kenyan recruits started her own ministry. She adopted a child from the community and is now taking the child to school.
On more good news, Paul met with a group of South African pastors in September to share the region’s vision of partnering with the South African church, in order to spearhead missions among the Unreached People Groups in Eastern Africa. The result was a buy-in into the vision, establishment of structures on how the process will be carried out. A team of 10 was selected to coordinate the whole process, and it consists of a representative from the East African office. They are tasked to oversee the provinces in South Africa where mobilization of churches will take place.
Next, we officially launch the inter-province mobilization; beginning with Gauteng in February 2023 to be followed closely by the first SAMEA exposure outreach set for September 2023. To added to this is, a board of elders led by apostle Sam Daza is in formation to help the team navigate through the provinces.
After Diana’s safe arrival from the USA, she visited with our partners in Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar and Arusha in the month of July. The purpose of her visit was to find out the effects Covid-19 had on their ministries, and how they dealt with it. She then inquired on the progress of the Live School Facilitator Manual translation from English to Swahili; all the while meeting up with the key people on the ground, to follow up on the process of registering pastors interested to be trained as Live School Facilitators, and gathering information on how many Live School units are in operation.
Ten Schools started in Tanzania with some of them on the little known Isle of Mafia off Pemba. The Live School began picking up and we have a partnership opportunity through Live School train their ministry.
Paul then travelled to Migori where he met with 10 pastors and Trans Mara where he met with 6 pastors (both are regions within Kenya) for a Live School awareness meeting. The outcome from the interaction was that most pastors need Live School and we are in the process of working out modalities of making Live School accessible to them. Remember us in your prayers.
Another of the many gifts God has given us, is Juliet who joined the team in 2021 and after going through Live School, she felt God calling her as a missionary to the Northern Frontiers of Kenya. So, in August, we commissioned her by praying and anointing her with oil; while in the field, she will use Vania – an excerpt from Live School to disciple and mentor high school students as a way of introducing them to Missions and how they can be a part of it. As of now, two high schools have shown interest in the program. They are set to kickstart in January 2023.
We concliuded the year with a partnership breakfast meeting for Juliet on the 3rd of Dec and a Year end event on the 10th where we had many people sign up as partners.
This year we have seen the evidence of God’s mercy and grace, so let us abide in Him and rejoice for the fullness of His glory and goodness.
Acts 11:23
When he arrived and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced and encouraged them all to abide in the Lord with all their hearts.
Acts 20:24
But I consider my life of no value to me, if only I may finish my course and complete the ministry I have received from the Lord Jesus— the ministry of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.