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August 2020 India Letter

Our dear brothers and sisters in Christ

We uphold you in our prayers and thank Abba Father for you. We are trusting God that you will not grow weary in such a time as this but instead may your lamps grow brighter than ever before.  It is the prayer of my heart that your nets will be bursting with the end time harvest, and that you will have to put out your tent pegs to make room for more.

ACTS in Action‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17

We encourage you to stay strong in these uncertain times, remembering and learning from the example of the disciples in the book of ACTS.  When Jesus was taken up into Heaven, He left them with an instruction and a promise.  And that promise is living inside you and me today.  Through their obedience to Jesus instruction the disciples received the blessed Holy Spirit.  The same Holy Spirit that empowered them to do great things is working in you and through you even today.  That which He did through the disciples in the book of ACTS, establishing the church and advancing His kingdom so rapidly, may God the Holy Spirit increase in you to do the same in every village, every town, every city, every state of India, from the north to the south, east to the west, may there be no ear that hasn’t heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. May the church of India be an unstoppable force. I declare this supernatural outpouring in these days, as mentioned through the prophet Joel and repeated in the book of ACTS 2:17 as a reminder – may it start right now in your homes, as you spend time united in prayer with your family, building them up spiritually, raising up the next generation of church planters, pastors, missionaries, evangelist, god-fearing politician, doctors, leaders of tomorrow. As God promised to pour out His Spirit upon your sons and daughter, upon young and old, so He will do. May His Kingdom come and His will be established in your homes, spilling out into the streets in signs and wonders.  Just like how when Peter preached his first message after the baptism of Holy Spirit and 3000 was added to the church, may the same happen right there in your village, in your town, in your city, in your India through you and your family.  God the Holy Spirit grant you supernatural boldness.

Today as you read this may, may there be an activation of this declaration in your heart and mind. Great opportunity lies in adversity, so take this opportunity to be a blessing to your communities, to encourage, to pray for others, to share your provisions with your neighbours so that Holy Spirit can multiply the work of your hands and they will be able to see that truly your God is the true and living God.  May your mind overflow with god-purposed ideas and strategies to advance His kingdom. When God wills something – nothing can stop it! He will make a way for you where there seems to be no way! When opposition rises, remember His promise that the weapon may be formed but it will not prevail – God grant you victory in your territory as you take India for Jesus. AMEN and AMEN

Yours in His services

Lee-Anne Reddy (South Africa)

World Mission Centre