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Celebrating 30 Years

(January ’19 News Bullet)

Dear William,

Greetings from a very hot South Africa!

Amazingly, 2019 marks the 30th Anniversary of the World Mission Centre! Lydia, myself, and our children could have never believed all has happened in the last 30 years.

I can well remember when we put a desk down in our lounge on Charles Street in Pretoria and said, “This is the World Mission Centre.” Most of our friends looked at us as if we had lost our minds.

But today, there is no doubt in our hearts and minds that it was and still is God. We dare not touch His Glory and we dare not take any credit. It ALL belongs to Him!

On July 23 – 25th we will host an international missions conference in Pretoria, South Africa to celebrate all that the Lord has done throughout the world!

The conference’s name is RUNNING WITH HORSES!

Let me assure you, this is not a normal conference. It is a time of listening to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His church concerning his Great Commission.

There is a new wind blowing across the earth, a sound from the Lord that is calling us, His church, to prepare for the greatest harvest ever recorded in history. And yes, by all indications, it will take place in the midst of chaos.

There is GREAT EXCITEMENT stirring from various places around the world about the RWH conference. Here are some stories:

  • A brother wrote to me and said: “Just to encourage you, my lead intercessor told that when she saw your brochure of the horses, and she exclaimed, ‘I saw this picture in a vision two years ago!'”
  • I spoke to one of our students who came from Eastern Europe to the first Live School in 2000. She told me this past week that she was so excited to hear the name of the conference as the Lord had given her the image of “Running Horses” while she attended the first ever Live School in Pretoria.
  • A pastor of a large church in South Africa has the following to say about the Running with Horses. Quoting from Jeremiah 12:5 –

“God has so much faith in us that He says we will even outrun the horses (that speaks of supernatural power and strength to overcome that which is opposing us, like Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot!) The rain is coming, God is challenging us to prepare and to be ready for bigger challenges than foot soldiers. The sense to run with horses speaks of a divine acceleration that speaks of the supernatural ability of God working in your life, your ministry, your time and your circumstances, to bring His plans to pass at a much faster rate than is humanly possible. One moment of favor can do more than years of labor. It means we can accomplish things that may have taken years before in much less time. Let’s run with the Good News to the unreached! Let’s love our cities and communities! Let’s embrace the lostness, brokenness, and pain of our communities! Let’s run with the horses!

Let me encourage you to not miss this unique opportunity to hear first-hand from men and women who are leaders working to bring the gospel to the unreached all around the world. May their testimony, experience, and insight impact you to believe that the God that is doing it there, will also do it where you and I are living.

Attached is the registration form. Don’t delay! 

If you live in South Africa – Click Here and register while the Early Bird price is still on.

If you live in another part of the world – Click Here and register while the Early Bird price is still on.

We look forward to seeing you there!

