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Central America

Many exciting things are happening in Central America! One significant event is that a new president has been enthusiastically elected in El Salvador. The team prays that he will end much of the corruption that has stifled El Salvador and many other Central American countries. Pray that under his leadership El Salvador can become the model for all of Central America and that Live School can play a major role in seeing lives changed, conditions improve, and many laborers sent out into the harvest fields.

The Central America team has seen immense change in the small portions of each country where Live School has been introduced and implemented. God has provided key people and strategic avenues for Live School to grow and flourish in this region. World Mission Centre is privileged to be a part of seeing God use so many believers in Central America to save souls, transform communities, and mobilize nations to the Great Commission.

Make a donation to Live School Central America Region


This has been a very difficult year with a lot of challenges, but also with so many opportunities. We had made plans but God was thinking something different, a plan much better than what we could have thought of. Sometimes the situation was overwhelming, but the Lord gives us the strength and grace to keep moving forward, running, walking, or crawling.


Hear what God has done in the lives of people in Central America

1 & 2 Quarter’s Report Costa Rica

We started with expectations of a supernatural opening and now we are practically frozen until 2021. We had plans to open dozens of schools, but there was adversity and our agenda was canceled. However, we trust God that the sun will go out for his people again. Although there is much disappointment we do have 2 excellent things that we want to talk about.



This has been a very difficult year with a lot of challenges, but also with so many opportunities. We had made plans but God was thinking something different, a plan much better than what we could have thought of. Sometimes the situation was overwhelming, but the Lord gives us the strength and grace to keep moving forward, running, walking, or crawling.

1 & 2 Quarter’s Report Costa Rica

1 & 2 Quarter’s Report Costa Rica

We started with expectations of a supernatural opening and now we are practically frozen until 2021. We had plans to open dozens of schools, but there was adversity and our agenda was canceled. However, we trust God that the sun will go out for his people again. Although there is much disappointment we do have 2 excellent things that we want to talk about.

El Salvador

El Salvador

We continue to promote Live School with new contacts and congregations. We have met with numerous pastors and introduced them to the program and continue to follow up on the possibility of them opening a Live School within their congregations.