Live School Curriculum
Live School is a comprehensive and portable missions training and discipleship program that seeks to train indigenous and local believers around the world as national missionaries who can plant sustainable churches and bring the Gospel to their own and neighboring people groups.
Live School consists of 27 courses (28 in some languages) made up of 242 one-hour video sessions. All courses are delivered on the Live School Unit (LSU) (a small hard drive that can be connected to a television), as a download online, or by streaming Live School on the Monarch Project. The courses are taught by 19 different lecturers who come from 13 countries across five continents. This Live School was taught by seminary professors, pastors, evangelists, businessmen, and missionaries who are active and experienced practitioners in their respective fields.
Live School is an outcome-based curriculum. There are six main themes of these courses that we believe are crucial for any missionary to be trained in: character development, foundational theology, foundational missiology, ministry skills (preaching, planting churches, etc.), research principles, and acts of kindness (farming, community health, starting a business, etc.).
A full-time school, in which students watch and discuss three sessions five days a week, takes about five months to complete. A part-time school can take between 6 and 18 months to complete depending on how often the school can meet each week.
Live School is currently available in English, Russian, Arabic, Swahili, Farsi, Turkish, Korean, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, Hausa, and Mongolian. Future plans for translations include Mandarin and Indonesian (Bahasa).
The Live School curriculum is not associated with a certain denomination, seminary, or church. Our curriculum is thoroughly evangelical and is taught by lecturers who come from many different denominations, seminaries, and churches. Live School focuses on the essence of the Gospel and a Gospel-centered life as held by evangelical believers. All of the Live School lecturers agreed to and affirmed the Lausanne Covenant.
Below you will find a short biography of each speaker and an explanation of each course.
Introduction to Missions – Willie Crew
Introduction to Missions presents a vision for bringing the gospel to unreached people groups and the part that the Live School students will play in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Willie Crew emphasizes the discipline that will be required of each student to face the harsh conditions they will experience on the field. This lecture ends with a picture of the final goal of all missions: to see people from every tribe and tongue and nation standing before the throne at the end of time worshipping the Almighty God.
Willie Crew, the founder of World Mission Centre, was called to mobilize local churches to the task of missions. He worked as a pastor for Hatfield Church in Pretoria, SA, establishing house churches throughout the country, but left to establish World Mission Centre in 1987. In the early days, World Mission Centre helped create missional strategies for local churches such as Week of Bounty (a food drive), Gospel Taxi Club (putting evangelistic materials in local taxis), and the Gateway Project (connecting large churches with smaller churches for gospel partnerships). WMC also hosted the Love Southern Africa Conference and the Global Consult of World Evangelization (GCOWE ’97) in Pretoria. Live School was originally created by World Mission Centre as a tool to train missionaries who would be going to the 100 least reached people groups in Southern Africa.
Quote: “Ultimately, it’s not missions. It’s worship.”
Intercession – Daleen Gibbens
This course develops the meaning of intercession from a biblical perspective. Using biblical examples, Gibbens illustrates the power of prayer that is given to the believer. She unpacks the biblical, theological principles behind why we pray, how prayer works, and the purpose of intercession in the life of the believer. She also teaches on practical steps to create prayer lives that are effective, enduring, and powerful.
Dalene Gibbens attended the University of South Africa and is the wife of the pastor of River of Life Family Church in the city of Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. She has a very successful intercession ministry in the country, mobilizing many people in prayer cell groups to support several areas of ministry. She has also travelled the world speaking at churches and conferences, teaching on the power and theology behind prayer, and mobilizing believers to have effective and practical prayer lives.
Quote: “If we look at the Word of God, we see that David had intimacy with God before he moved into war.”
The Divine Plumbline – Samuel Jacobsen
Based on the course by Dr. Bruce Thompson, a medical missionary, this course deals with Christian character and the deep hurts and psycho-somatic problems that we all carry from life. It challenges the student to dig deeply into their hearts to find the root problems, hurts, sin, and unforgiveness and then to heal those wounds by bringing them into the light of the truth of Scripture and a healthy relationship with God. Jacobsen systematically explains how we must measure our lives against the Divine Plumbline, the Word of God, to be healed of that which is against God’s character. Jacobsen explains how creating a loving, healthy relationship with the Lord leads to correct understandings about ourselves and good relationships with others.
Samuel Jacobsen is an electrical engineer and has worked with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for more than twenty years. He is an accredited teacher of the Divine Plumbline curriculum and has taught extensively as an International Teacher at YWAM bases around the world. He currently resides in South Africa with his family.
Quote: “We build walls around our hearts so that the knowledge [truth] in our heads cannot get to and transform our hearts…God wants to break down those walls.”
Process of Preparation – Willie Crew
This course focuses on the “Quarry Experience,” the time of preparation, training and character development necessary to build a successful ministry. Crew teaches that in order to be an effective minister, we must be effectively and properly trained. One cannot simply rush into his or her calling, rather it is a calling that is developed, honed, and refined over time and experience. Crew teaches on principles, such as patience and humility, which the believer is called to while they are in the midst of waiting, training, and preparation. The themes of this course come straight from examples in the Bible, such as Joseph’s waiting through slavery to become Pharaoh’s right-hand man, David’s transformation from shepherd to king, and Timothy’s discipleship by Paul.
Willie Crew, the founder of World Mission Centre, was called to mobilize local churches to the task of missions. He worked as a pastor for Hatfield Church in Pretoria, SA, establishing house churches throughout the country, but left to establish World Mission Centre in 1987. World Mission Centre helped create missions strategies for many local churches including Week of Bounty (a food drive), Gospel Taxi Club (putting evangelistic materials in local taxis), and the Gateway Project (connecting large churches with smaller churches for gospel partnerships). WMC also hosted Love Southern Africa and the Global Consult of World Evangelization (GCOWE ’97) in Pretoria. Live School was created by World Mission Centre as a tool to train missionaries who would be going to the 100 least reached people groups in Southern Africa.
Quote: “Your attitude will rule your life.”
Pastor Leon de Jager is a graduate of the Hatfield School of Theology and for many years pastored a 2,000-member church in Franshoek, Cape Town, South Africa. He became an accredited international teacher with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and taught extensively at YWAM’s bases around the world. He also founded and worked for many years as the director of a bible college in South Africa. He continues to travel worldwide to speak at conferences and churches.
Quote: “You are an overcomer because of the word of your testimony.”
Relationships – Graeme Lennox
In these lectures, Graeme Lennox emphasizes the four main secrets to healthy relationships: the Secret of Peace, the Secret of Patience, the Secret of Gentleness, and the Secret of Integrity. Lennox describes how often the largest struggles in a believer’s life, and especially in ministry, come from relationships. He uses biblical principles to define what healthy relationships ought to look like and the sins that so often hinder us from those healthy relationships He also provides practical steps to healing broken relationships while also maintaining and creating healthy relationships.
Graeme Lennox is the senior pastor of Solid Ground Church, which was founded in 1984 in Middleburg, South Africa. Lennox studied Christian Ministry and Theology at the Theological College of South Africa. Solid Ground has done extensive mission work and church partnerships in Zimbabwe, Angola and Ukraine.
Quote: “Integrity is deciding to integrate my heart’s values into my daily activities. You don’t just fall into integrity; it’s something you must decide to do.”
Discipleship – Randy Pope
In this course, Pastor Randy Pope communicates the basics of Life-on-Life missional discipleship. He teaches on the commission given by Jesus to go and make disciples (Matt. 28:19). He teaches a pattern that follows Jesus’ example of incarnational leadership. Jesus led by example and shared his life alongside his disciples. He poured into the small group of men around them, was in the trenches with them, and them mobilized them as mature believers to the front lines. Pope helps students understand the practical steps and teachings in selecting a small group of people to share life with, go deeply into their lives, and lead them to a transforming relationship with God (1 Thess. 2:8). This method equips those who are discipled to go on and disciple their own group of people who then go and do the same, thus creating an exponential growth of new believers, leaders, and church congregations.
Randy Pope is the senior pastor of Perimeter Church (PCA) in Atlanta, GA, USA, which he planted in 1977. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. Since that time, Pope has helped to plant 40 more churches in the Atlanta area, and Perimeter Church was recently recognized by Leadership Network as #4 on the list of “America’s Top 25 Multiplying Churches.” Pope has established Life On Life Ministries, an organization committed to establishing life-on-life missional discipleship in churches worldwide. He is the author of several books and study guides, including The Intentional Church, Finding Your Million Dollar Mate, The Answer, INsourcing, The Journey, and Life Issues.
Quote: “He who is forgiven much, loves much.”
Finances – Clive Pick
In these sessions, Clive Pick focuses on the biblical principles of tithing, giving, and stewardship. He teaches that obedience in this area brings corresponding spiritual blessings, which the Word of God promises. Working through the principles found in Malachi 3:6-12, the purpose of the course is to learn how to manage personal finances to the glory of God. He also provides practical steps and attitudinal changes, such as budgeting and accountability, in how to be obedient and responsible stewards of the resources God has given to each believer. This session is key to giving ministry students a healthy and solemn understanding of finances, as they will not only give to their church and missions, but will most likely be receivers of missional giving.
Clive Pick was a successful businessman in England for 25 years when the Lord called him out of the business world to teach financial principles to the church. For many years, he had a television program called “Money Matters,” which was broadcast weekly on Christian Channel Europe. He later founded and continues to run the ministry, Financial Freedom Through Faith, which focuses on biblical principles for financial independence. This ministry teaches families within the church about God’s principles on money, as explained within the Bible, as well as offering practical steps to implement the necessary changes in their attitudes, lives, budget & finances to begin following those principles. Through this ministry, Pick speaks in churches around the world about biblical stewardship in obedience to a covenant-keeping God. He has also written the book, The Revelation of Financial Renewal.
Quote: “How can we come out of debt if we owe God money?”
Spiritual Authority – Gunnar Olson
In these sessions, Gunnar Olson explains how every Christian, no matter how small, has the same authority – the power of the risen Jesus Christ – within them to do incredible things in the Kingdom of God. He uses biblical truths to remind students of the power of God that dwells inside of each believer, which is often forgotten or never understood and activated. Olson speaks of walking in obedience to God’s voice even when it seems impossible or uncanny. He shares testimonies from his own life to show how God honors us when we simply listen and obey. Believers must walk in powerful authority when going to proclaim the good news of the Gospel to those who are under the power of sin and darkness.
Gunnar Olson of Sweden is the founder of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC). He has been the Honorary Consul, an Ambassador, and Special Advisor to the leaders of three different nations. Gunnar is also a former President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International and a founding member of the Business Professional Network (Switzerland). He worked for many years with the YWAM University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii. He is currently the owner and Chariman of three high-tech plastic film manufacturing companies in Sweden. He wrote the book Business Unlimited.
Quote: “You cannot bring anything of the flesh into the kingdom. We must give up all of our riches to enter the kingdom.”
Spiritual Gifts – Clement Anegbe
Pastor Clement Anegbe provides a balanced and systematic series of lectures on spiritual gifts. The main themes of this course include: understanding spiritual gifts from Scripture, establishing the relevance of spiritual gifts in the church and world evangelism, and guiding students to discover and develop their own gifts so they can lead a life fulfilling the purposes to which God has called them. Anegbe stresses the importance of understanding one’s gifts and the gifts of those around you so that they can be used for the building up of the Church and the encouragement of the saints.
Before being called into full-time ministry, Pastor Clement Anegbe of Nigeria was a production engineer, earning a Ph.D. at Ball State University in Indiana. He planted Jubilee Family Church in Jos, Nigeria served for many years as the pastor. He was also the Director of Evangelism and the coordinator of the Council for Missions Training for the Association of Evangelicals in Africa, based in Joss, Nigeria. He was the editor of MissionAfrica, based in Nigeria. In May of 2002, Clement was killed in a plane crash on his way to the Ivory Coast for a missions consultation. One of the survivors of the crash said that right before the plane went down, Clement stood up, preached the gospel and led the passengers in a prayer of salvation.
Quote: “The Word of God is not true because he proved it, the Word of God is true because it is the Word of God.”
Community Health – Marlene Porter
This course emphasizes the importance of health on the individual and community level. Porter thoroughly explains all aspects of health, including physical, mental, and social well-being that believers should understand, especially knowing that their body is the temple of the Lord. Porter also trains students in basic healthcare so that they can effectively minister to those with physical sickness in order to ultimately meet their spiritual sickness.
Marlene Porter is a registered nurse who devotes her time to serving poor communities by providing them with basic medical care. She and her husband, Gavin, worked with World Mission Centre for many years providing healthcare training to missionaries. Gavin and Marlien founded and ran Partners in Grace, a ministry that forms cross-cultural partnerships between wealthier Christian congregations and poor Christian congregations with the further goal of community development through church partnership. They now reside in Cape Town, South Africa, and often travel around the world to train missionaries in community health through their next ministry, God’s Vision-God’s Mission.
Quote: “We need to teach the people simple principles that will change their lives. If we are truly to set Jesus’ example, we need to teach, preach and heal.“
Community Development – Gavin Porter
In these lectures, Gavin Porter ministers in three areas of help: relief, development and empowerment. Relief is the temporary assistance that alleviates serious, immediate suffering. Development involves thinking and working in three areas: intellectual, physical and spiritual. Empowerment is what makes development possible; it is what is done to encourage and enable development, and it can be done in a variety of ways such as training, teaching, small loans, etc. It allows people to help themselves and create better lives and communities without leaning on the help of outside organizations. Porter emphasizes that the key to community development is relationships. Helping a community is not an easy, one-time “fix,” rather, it takes time to build relationships and heal the spiritual roots of social problems, namely sin and separation from God.
Gavin Porter worked for many years with World Mission Centre coordinating projects such as skills training, job creation, vegetable gardening, outreach to children, cell groups, Community Health Worker training and a bi-weekly Primary Health Care clinic. He and his wife, Marlien, founded Partners in Grace, a ministry to form cross-cultural partnerships between wealthy Christian congregations and poor Christian congregations with the further goal of community development through church partnership. Through this ministry, he served some of the poorest and most rural communities of South Africa. Now, Gavin and Marlien travel the world to train missionaries on community health and development through their ministry called God’s Vision, God’s Mission.
Quote: “Community development is not a short term project that you rush into and change everyone’s life. Community development is about spending time with the people, learning from them, encouraging them, enabling them.”
Cell Church Planting – Lawrence Khong
Pastor Lawrence Khong from the Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore and some of his church leaders speak on various aspects of cell church outreach, organization, and establishment that they have successfully implemented in their country. The cell church looks much like the early house churches in the book of Acts and Jesus’ method of discipling 12 men during his time on earth. The concept is that a small group of believers meets together in homes. The cell church planter disciples the members to be disciple-makers who are able to evangelize and then start their own cell groups, which creates exponential church growth. This church-planting model has been extremely successful in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. Khong teaches students the basics of beginning a cell church and then how to disciple members to be cell church planters themselves.
Lawrence Khong is the senior pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore, a church that started as a cell church and now has a congregation of over 10,000. Khong is also the founder of Gateway Entertainment (formally TOUCH Media), which creates biblical stage and movie productions that present a Christian message. Khong received his Ph.D at Dallas Theological Seminary. He currently helps to lead the G12 cell-church and discipleship movement across Asia.
Kevin Doran graduated from the South African Baptist Theological College. Doran was a pastor at Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria and helped to see it grow from two hundred to 6,000 members. He founded Hatfield School of Theology and was the principal there for many years. In addition to teaching lectures in the Live School, he was also the principal for the first intake of Live School students in 2000.
Acts in Action – Willie Crew
As Willie Crew exegetically works through the book of Acts, he sets out principles that enabled the early church to grow and expand in the first century. These principles include biblical evidence for persecution, evangelism, discipleship, and the necessity of church growth. Students will study these principles and analyze how to implement them on the unique mission field where the student will be going.
Willie Crew, the founder of World Mission Centre, was called to mobilize local churches to the task of missions. He worked as a pastor for Hatfield Church in Pretoria, SA, establishing house churches throughout the country, but left to establish World Mission Centre in 1987. In the early days, World Mission Centre helped create missional strategies for local churches such as Week of Bounty (a food drive), Gospel Taxi Club (putting evangelistic materials in local taxis), and the Gateway Project (connecting large churches with smaller churches for gospel partnerships). WMC also hosted the Love Southern Africa Conference and the Global Consult of World Evangelization (GCOWE ’97) in Pretoria. Live School was originally created by World Mission Centre as a tool to train missionaries who would be going to the 100 least reached people groups in Southern Africa.
Perseverance in Ministry – Bill Taylor
In this course, Dr. Taylor spells out the reality of having to persevere through all the difficulties experienced on the mission field. He analyzes some of the most common reasons for why missionaries leave the field early or are unable to bear fruit. It is important for students to understand the hard and frustrating realities of the immense task before them. He then helps students understand how to work through and overcome the difficulties both before and when they get to the field. He gives them the eternal perspective of missions, which allows believers to continue. Dr. Taylor also gives inspiring stories of missionaries who have persevered to the end and have done incredible work for the Kingdom. These men and women assure the students that while missions work is hard work, it is possible because Jesus is with them until the very end (Matt. 28:20), and brings great rewards because it ministering the good news to the least, the last, the lost.
Born to missionary parents in Costa Rica, Dr. Bill Taylor, has been a part of missions his entire life. He was himself a missionary and church planter in Guatemala for 30 years under Camino Global until he became the Executive Director of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Missions Commission. He studied at Moody Bible Institute, received his masters in theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, and completed his doctorate at the University of Texas. He taught missions and theology for many years at the Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA) in Guatemala City, as well as at Columbia International University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Reformed Theological Seminary, and William Carey University. Dr. Taylor is the editor of Internationalizing Missionary Training, Kingdom Partnerships for Synergy in Missions, and Too Valuable to Lose. One of his most well-known publications is Crisis and Hope in Latin America, a book he coauthored with the renowned Latin theologian Emilio A. Núñez.
Folk Religion – Phil Steyne
One of the most difficult experiences for a missionary going to foreign countries is understanding the culture of the group he or she is going to serve. Dr. Steyne prepares students by teaching them techniques and strategies for adapting to any cultural group. Nearly every culture outside of the West has an aspect of folk religion within it. Dr. Steyne teaches students how to understand and relate to this particular worldview, and how they can live amongst these cultures in a dynamic yet sensitive way. He also teaches students how to present the gospel in a way that is relevant to these cultures while also pulling them out of false doctrine and giving them Truth.
Dr. Phil Steyne was a missionary for fifteen years in Swaziland and South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission. He received his M.Div. at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Missions from Fuller School of World Missions. After serving on the field, he was the chairman of the missions department at Philadelphia College of the Bible. He then taught as a professor for the Seminary and School of Missions at Columbia International University for 24 years. He has also served as pastor of congregations in Pennsylvania and South Carolina and has traveled widely in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the South Pacific in the interest of world evangelization. His books include Gods of Power: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Animists, and In Step With The God of the Nations: A Biblical Theology of Missions.
Cross-Cultural Communication – Phil Steyne
This course is concerned with the Gospel message that has been entrusted to us, and how one can present it clearly to those who will hear it. This is a very detailed course dealing with words, gestures, and customs, all of which are involved in effectively communicating the Gospel to any culture outside of one’s own. Dr. Steyne teaches students how to dissect the essential theological aspects of the Gospel and make them relevant and understandable to the unique culture that a missionary is reaching. Not only with the Gospel message, Dr. Steyne teaches students how to be sensitive to all aspects of a culture – such as eating, gender roles, social norms – and learn how to live amongst a foreign people in a way that creates a positive witness.
Dr. Phil Steyne was a missionary for fifteen years in Swaziland and South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission. He received his M.Div. at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Missions from Fuller School of World Missions. After serving on the field, he was the chairman of the missions department at Philadelphia College of the Bible. He then taught as a professor for the Seminary and School of Missions at Columbia International University for 24 years. He has also served as pastor of congregations in Pennsylvania and South Carolina and has traveled widely in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the South Pacific in the interest of world evangelization. His books include Gods of Power: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Animists, and In Step With The God of the Nations: A Biblical Theology of Missions.
Chronological Approach – Gerson Celeti
This course is based on the curriculum used by Ethnos360 to teach the story of the Bible to the unreached, specifically those who have never been close to a Christian culture or worldview. Ethnos360 bases its mission strategy on the chronological approach: they start in Genesis and work chronologically through the Bible in dramatic and narrative fashion. They re-enact most of the important stories, emphasize the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and culminate in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This course also features a video of a tribe in Papua, New Guinea whose entire village was saved and began evangelizing the neighboring tribes around them. This course not only teaches students the metanarrative of Scripture, it helps them effectively evangelize, specifically in oral cultures.
Gerson Celeti is from São Paulo, Brazil, and has served the Lord with Ethnos360 for twenty seven years. In 1986 he moved to Senegal, where he spent many years ministering among unreached tribes. He studied intercultural education at Bethany Global University in Minneapolis and is an accredited professor. He has taught for many years also in Brazil, USA, Ethiopia, Italy and Norway, where he lives now and work with curriculum design.
Study the Bible – Gray Poehnell
In this course, Gray Poehnell exegetically studies and teaches Ephesians chapter 1, verse by verse. He uses the question and answer method, comparing Scripture with Scripture, demonstrating how one can understand the Word of God by using the Word of God when commentaries and other helps are not readily available. This skill is particularly needed in rural or closed areas of the world where theological resources are scarce. This course opens up an in-depth method of Bible study, which will be a great help to the students in their personal study and also in preaching and teaching the Word to others.
Gray Poehnell is from Richmond, British Colombia, Canada, and he has taught Greek and Bible study methods for the past 25 years. He received his M.A. in New Testament Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Illinois) and taught for many years at Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada. He was a teaching pastor at Emmanuel Christian Community church in Richmond, BC and helped to develop and teach curriculums on theology, studying Scripture, and cross-cultural missions for seminaries and churches across Canada. In 1991, he formed Ergon Communications with Dr. Norm Amundson, an organization that develops and teaches career-counseling programs. He has co-authored several books including Hope-Filled Engagement, Career Pathways, and Guiding Circles (career counseling for immigrant and Aboriginal peoples). In 2012, he received the Stu Conger Award for Leadership in Career Development and Career Counseling.
Principles of Communication – John Kayser
Dr. Kayser starts this course with the premise that God communicates with us and that God seeks to be understood through His scripture and through His incarnated son, Jesus Christ. John will demonstrate how to teach this truth so that any culture can understand God’s communication with man. He also presents principles for how properly, sensitively, and effectively communicate to cultures around the world, based on the example that Jesus gave during his time on earth.
Dr. John Kayser is the African Coordinator of Bethany World Missions. He was born to missionary parents and raised in Ethiopia, where he later served as a missionary himself. He received his M.A. in Missiology from Grace Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Missiological Education from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). He pastored a church in Canada, taught at Bethany School of Missions in Singapore, and is an educational consultant with Bethany International and GO100, a missions training school in Africa.
Communicating the Bible – Kevin Doran
In these lectures, Kevin Doran presents some important principles and techniques in preparing and delivering a sermon. Preaching and teaching are vital skills for missionary students to learn, especially if they have never delivered a sermon. Doran teaches on how to study and exegete the Bible, prepare notes, simplify concepts, ask applicable questions, and speak well. These teaching lessons are taught in conjunction with the practical preaching sessions, which give each student the opportunity to preach/teach and put into practice what they’ve learned.
Kevin Doran graduated from the South African Baptist Theological College. Doran was a pastor at Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria and helped to see it grow from two hundred to 6,000 members. He founded Hatfield School of Theology and was the principal there for many years. In addition to teaching lectures in the Live School, he was also the principal for the first intake of Live School students in 2000.
Ethnographic Research – John Kayser
Dr. Kayser discusses the process of analyzing and understanding the environment into which students will be going to minister. Research of the people group/country/region is necessary to appreciate the culture, meet its needs, and to be informed of the history of previous missional efforts, institutions, leaders, social dynamics, modernization, government policies, economics, other religions, and the history of the church among the people, if there has been a history. Dr. Kayser gives practical steps in how to perform research before and when the missionary enters the culture, such as academic research, asking questions, and learning from those who came before. Only by understanding ethnicity and culture will a missionary be effective and relatable with its people.
Dr. John Kayser is the African Coordinator of Bethany World Missions. He was born to missionary parents and raised in Ethiopia, where he later served as a missionary himself. He received his M.A. in Missiology from Grace Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Missiological Education from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). He pastored a church in Canada, taught at Bethany School of Missions in Singapore, and is an educational consultant with Bethany International and GO100, a missions training school in Africa.
Cultural Anthropology – Phil Steyne
In Dr. Steyne’s own words, “This particular subject with which we are starting has helped me to quickly evaluate any given social community, because if you understand a community, it is easier to communicate with it.” Phil begins with the missionary’s preparation; he describes methods to study a people group, society, history, language, and the cultural forces that change these things. An understanding of culture also allows a missionary to discern the people’s view of God and eternity in order to wisely, thoroughly, and effectively teach them about the God of the Bible.
Dr. Phil Steyne was a missionary for fifteen years in Swaziland and South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission. He received his M.Div. at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Missions from Fuller School of World Missions. After serving on the field, he was the chairman of the missions department at Philadelphia College of the Bible. He then taught as a professor for the Seminary and School of Missions at Columbia International University for 24 years. He has also served as pastor of congregations in Pennsylvania and South Carolina and has traveled widely in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the South Pacific in the interest of world evangelization. His books include Gods of Power: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Animists, and In Step With The God of the Nations: A Biblical Theology of Missions.
Preparation for Outreach – Willie Crew
In the first session, Willie speaks on the issue of staying focused when going to the least-reached peoples groups of the world. The next session discusses taking up the authority and confidence to share your faith with others. Then he explains the reporting process, getting meaningful information back to the mission base. Crew also discusses the important issue of receiving instructions from the Lord in situations that may become problematic. These lessons help the student know not only what to expect when they go, but how to properly handle the unexpected. Crew also presents truths that will enable to missionary to stand firm in his calling while on the field.
Willie Crew, the founder of World Mission Centre, was called to mobilize local churches to the task of missions. He worked as a pastor for Hatfield Church in Pretoria, SA, establishing house churches throughout the country, but left to establish World Mission Centre in 1987. In the early days, World Mission Centre helped create missional strategies for local churches such as Week of Bounty (a food drive), Gospel Taxi Club (putting evangelistic materials in local taxis), and the Gateway Project (connecting large churches with smaller churches for gospel partnerships). WMC also hosted the Love Southern Africa Conference and the Global Consult of World Evangelization (GCOWE ’97) in Pretoria. Live School was originally created by World Mission Centre as a tool to train missionaries who would be going to the 100 least reached people groups in Southern Africa.
Starting Your Own Business – International Christian Chamber of Commerce
This workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs start and operate successful businesses. These courses teach students the basics of creating and managing a small business, based on biblical principles. Specially tailored for small groups, the program comprises 10, 90-minute sessions. The training videos are taught by key businessmen who are members of the ICCC from around the world. The sessions provide practical steps and tools that allow entrepreneurs to identify and convert business ideas into sustainable enterprises. Students are taught how to recognize real commercial needs they are able to meet, critically evaluate their business ideas, discover their market, formulate a strategic plan to design or produce a product or service, and gain a realistic understanding of all that is involved in starting and operating a business.
The International Christian Chamber of Commerce was founded 30 years ago to equip, grow, and encourage Christian business men and women to outwardly manifest their inward walk of faith through their companies and businesses. The ICCC desires to form a community of believers who bring the Kingdom of God to earth through their Holy Spirit-led work and careers. They are operating in 70 countries and bring support and training through business seminars and conferences to share truth and testimonies of God at work in the business world. At the heart of the ICCC is to extend God’s loving rule and care through His church and the work places of the world. Members are encouraged to seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness.
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