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Denise's Story

Written by Evends Monfiston, Live School Haiti Coordinator

I cannot fully explain the impact that the Live School teaching has had in my life and ministry. It has now been two years since I have gone through my training with the school. I have come to understand the meaning and the importance of love, restoration, and reconciliation. I see and comprehend the Holy Spirits anointing as well as its impact in ministry and peoples lives. All of this has contributed to change my perspective of life and people radically. Without this kind of teaching, Denise would be unknown. The joy and the fellowship I have enjoyed with her whole family would not exist. I praise God for Live School, and I am confident He is about to use it to bring a great change in Haiti and the whole world.  Here is Denise’s story.

Born in Cap-Haitian at the Justinian Hospital on October 26, 1992, Denise Pierre is the fourth child in a family of five. She was four years old when her Dad passed away. At the age of thirteen, as an 8th-grade girl, she became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whose name is Barbara. Unfortunately, her boyfriend has not recognized the child as his own. That incident increased her courageous mothers nightmare with one more kid to feed and educate.

On December 31, 2010, while she was sleeping alongside her sister, both of them were bitten by a rat. They became very sick, and at the time Denises sister was worse, about to lose her mind and became crazy. Denise started to lose her own mind later on. With her limited funds, their mother took them to the hospital and spent a lot. Denises younger sister, Chrismène has recovered, but Denise was not so lucky.

At the age of 18, she gave birth to her second child whose name is Tamara. Once again, the father has not taken his responsibility. From that point on, Denises health and situation became worse. As she went place to place shoeless with dirty clothes, she was impregnated and gave birth to her third fatherless girl, Rachelle Bien-Aimé (adopted by Denises brother).

I met Denise for the first time last February 27, 2019, in the middle of the day as she was wandering in the neighborhood. People were talking outside and yelling. When I came out to inquire, I saw her sitting at my front door. I asked her to leave but she would not. My neighbor threatened with a staff, but she refused to go. I went inside and got a little cash to give to her. She took the money and finally left. I was successful, and everyone was amazed.

She came back in the evening and stood in front of my house. From that point, I started to pause and think. I dont believe that fool or crazypeople exist. During Jesusearthly ministry, He never met one of them. I remembered that the Lord gave me Isaiah 58 last year as a major part of my calling. The small voice of the Holy Spirit was telling me to welcome her, feed her, and clothe her. Immediately, I prayed and laid hands on her claiming deliverance and freedom. I asked her to come inside. I poured water in a basin and gave her soap to bathe herself. After that, I clothed her. One of my neighbors provided clothes and beautiful sandals for her. She spent the night at my neighbors driveway. The next day, she woke up early and cleaned and swept. Later in the day, nobody wanted her to stay. Something deep in my heart was telling me not to let her go.

I made my decision. Denise would stay with us. My sisters objected though they would be kind to her later. They said, You must be crazy! Nobody has ever welcomed a fool and crazy person!I was calm and confident, and I said to them, Well, I am so happy that I am different than everybody else.I understood that I was positioning myself to be used by God. Therefore, I was very fulfilled. Denise spent a few nights sleeping at the front of our house. The small voice encouraged me to take her inside on the second floor. It is unfurnished, and no one lived there. I did that for her safety. Anything could have happened to her at our front door.

I posted a picture of her on Facebook and asked if anybody knew her family. Providentially, a lady came to see my older sister and recognized her. She was happy. Her family finally came while I was away. Now she is returned home to be with her loved ones, mom, sister, and children.

Denise is a wonderful lady. She has a great smile, and she loves singing. Ive never seen someone so meticulous. She asked me for a toothbrush, and she washes her clothes every day. She is quiet. One day, I gave her a pen and a sheet of paper. Guess what she wrote? Psalm 46, God is our refuge and strength, a very present and well proved help in trouble…” (Amplified Bible).

Denise is not entirely healed yet, but we are praying for that, and we hope the Lord will do it according to our faith. I plan to continue to help Denise and her family, especially the three fatherless girls. The older is fourteen, and she is in 8th grade. The second one is eight years old, and the last one is 4 four years old. Denises mom should take care of all of them. The younger sister Christmène also helps a little bit. Shes been with us since Wednesday helping with different tasks. They are very grateful to us, and we have now become a family. Denises story inspired us to start the “Sarepta Ministry,” a place to welcome the poor, the weak, the needy, and especially those so-called fool and crazy.