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East Africa Rising

We set foot in Nairobi, the heart of East Africa’s hub on the 12th of August, 2016, as a part of a God-led transition for us. My personal preference would have been to relocate in 2019, the dust of Kenya’s election having settled with a new government in place. However, we realize that our role is to follow, for therein lies the blessings and reward of obedience.

I spent a good amount of time at work and settling down the family between 2016 and 2017. Considering much of what God has been speaking about the region, I had peace and assurance that He will lead the process, and He has indeed!

God spoke to us about escalation in the region and we pray more laborers will arise with the financial and logistical capacity required for the task. We believe it will be a year of great fulfillment as God’s promise over the region comes to life; a belief affirmed by the first Missions and Info evening held at Nairobi’s Milele Conference Centre on 16th of December. This meeting happened against a backdrop of serious political and economic challenges that hit the country after the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta, whom the main Opposition coalition have since declined to recognize, citing legitimacy issues with his re-election on the 26th of October after an annulment of the August 8th election.

It was a Worship and Missions Information evening to create an awareness of our presence in the region and the Live School as a tool to serve the Church.  The Lord, however, used it to make a declaration over the 14 Countries of East Africa and The Horn as classified by World Mission Centre, the Church and the Fathers of the Land, as well as the younger generation of upcoming leaders.

As 19 of us stood on the stage and every Pastor and ministry leader held a flag in hand and led a prayer for the country, a ceiling was broken and it was the dawning of new day. At the end of the meeting, I realized that the Lord had done it His way and we must keep preparing to ride with Him. Missions was not man’s noble idea, but God’s. Thus, may God give us the grace to love and serve the best way we know how!

Days before, on Dec 16, close to twenty of us gathered at Nairobi’s Kenya Assemblies of God Leadership Centre for a workshop with delegates from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia. At the end of the workshop, it was clear that God was calling us to revisit our priorities and embrace the next level. As the pages of 2018 turn, I am asking God to give us the courage to dare, faith to care and a burning vision for Him and His kingdom. I am asking Him for partners to invest and journey with us as we venture into the frontiers. Besides having a Conference with about 300 delegates from countries of the region, we intend to venture into some of the restricted countries.

I request you prayerfully consider the possibility of helping us broaden our financial support and prayer network. Thank you for those of you who have stood with us thus far.

Finally, our prayer is that God’s richest blessing may fill your hearts with joy and grant you victory through 2018.

“God be merciful unto us, and bless us; cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations”.

Psalms 67:1-2 KJV

Paul Achilles- WMC East Africa and The Horn