This is a process through which we engage and partner with national churches/ministries that have a vision for mission, love for God, willingness to train their people and passion for the Unreached.
It is facilitated through an application with which they can acquire the Live School curriculum to train their own missionaries, church planters and leaders. A successful applicant will send one or two of its leaders to be trained as facilitators. It is these facilitators who will ultimately recruit and train their group of students on behalf of the church/ministry with the LS curriculum in the major languages of their region (Swahili, English, French and Arabic).

Focus Sahara leaders center is the training arm for the regional office designed for capacity building, mobilization, individual empowerment and discipleship for those with a heart for the nations.
Individuals have an option of choosing full time or part time classes that run for 11 months inclusive of theory and a 1-3 months outreach to a pre- identified Least Reached People Group/area.

“Most people are not involved in missions not because they don’t want to but because they don’t know”, Willie Crew.
It is to this end that Live School Short Training and Exposure Mission is designed as a unique program to introduce church leaders, pastors and individuals to cross- cultural missions and ministry. It is a part time 5-week program that concludes with a 1-2-week exposure trip to a pre-identified People Group in the country or a cross international borders.

Global demographics reveal that 73% of the population are people aged between 10- 30 years old. This is the generation that is supposed to be the representation of the church, but are battling conflicting interests.
Vania – God’s gift in Hebrew is a special program targeting high schoolers, college and varsity students with the desire to raise a holistic generation that will impact nations with their gifts, talents and vocation in obedience to God’s eternal purpose and the Great Commission. It is designed to work in collaboration with institution’s chaplaincy. It will run for selected 5 weeks within the school year calendar. At the end of it the students are expected to participate in a 1-2 weeks outreach in a preselected area/ People Groups locally or internationally. From Vania the graduates have an opportunity to enroll for the full-time school at FOSALEC.

Provides opportunities for individuals and select groups for a cross cultural ministry experience among our field partners.
Besides their own exposure its an opportunity to encourage and motivate the foot soldiers as well as believers in the frontiers. We further use exposure outreaches for prayer/business trips when opening new territories or travelling to areas that are restricted to the Gospel.

We believe as a region that the missional mandate of the church is critical and can’t be ignored. For this reason and the urgent need to raise more labourers, mission awareness and mobilization has become a major rallying call within the regional office.
Challenged by the fast-changing socio-political and religious landscape as well as increased terror activities urgent response is required for the salvation of those dying without Christ. With mobilization we target individuals, churches and businesses that will partner with us to help establish more training centers in the region, financially participate in the process, provide networking opportunities and establish strategic partnerships.