So much has been going on and continues to do so! Please forgive us for being quiet for such a long time.
I believe that the Lord challenged me with this question, “Does and will what I do result in people getting saved and coming into relationship with Father?” Being in ministry, one can get caught up in the nuts and bolts of making things happen and lose focus on why we do what we do. I was blessed to test the work we’re doing in each country and see that it does or will lead to people getting saved and coming into relationship with the Father. Here are a few brief examples.
North Africa
I cannot give much detail here, but can say that I traveled to 2 countries in the region during February. God is at work in that region and I reconnected and found new opportunities. In one case, God confirmed a vision that was given to our International team in 2010. And yes, making use of these opportunities will help Muslims come to the Lord!
Our man on the ground has researched 79 out of 820 villages to determine which have churches and which don’t. Out of the 79, 19 do not have churches. Once the research is completed, we plan to mobilize existing churches to plant churches in every village! Many people will be saved in the process! How awesome!
There are now 72 churches that have been equipped to run Live School. We have already heard stories of people getting saved and churches being planted. Since Cuba is such a ripe harvest field, we believe that many more will be saved or are even in the process of hearing. God willing, I’ll travel to Cuba in May to introduce another province to Live School.
Please continue to pray that God will lead us in all this, that we will not get ahead of Him or fall behind Him. Also that we will be led by His Spirit every step of the way. That He will provide all we need to do what He has called us to do.
We thank you for your love, support, encouragement and friendship as we journey together.