Since my last communication with the World Mission Centre Boards, I am relieved to report that we have steadied the ship, and our international team of leaders is working as hard as ever to do all that the Lord has called us to do.
Lydia and I have taken over the reins and are working alongside the international team leaders. We are working toward our God-given vision to see One Million people trained around the world to reach out and plant churches, especially among those who have not heard the Good News of Jesus.
The team in the USA office has rallied behind the vision and I have found they are a real blessing to work with.
Just as a reminder, our 12 international team leaders oversee the following world regions:
Southern Africa
East Africa
West & Central Africa
North Africa
the Middle East
the Epicentre (countries including Turkey,
Iran, the Central Asian Republics, and more)
Russia and the Former Soviet Union
South America
Central America and Mexico
The Caribbean
It is hard to keep up with all that is taking place daily in these regions. However, I will do my best to keep you informed on a regular basis.
Happening Currently

In South Africa, Isaac Modise has concluded a Live School Facilitators training session with 10 leaders. Those leaders will start five new Live Schools in the Northeast of the country in the next few weeks. The report said: “The unity felt amongst this team in such a short time is a testimony of God’s appointed time for each one of us at the right time and place for the task at hand.”
This means that around 50 people are being trained as missionaries in that area!

A meeting was held in the city of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, with the Bishop and leaders who oversee a large denomination that have churches across this vast country. They have over 60 churches in the capital alone. They have asked that the WMC team return as soon as possible to train facilitators who will start the first 20 pilot schools. The Bishop’s vision is to see Live School running in all of their centers in the country. His reason for doing this is to get enough workers to keep up the momentum of church growth.
A team is on their way to Northeast India and Nepal to participate in a large pastor’s gathering and then train facilitators. The expectation is that at least 30 schools will start because of this visit!
Nepal has one of the fastest-growing churches in the world. Live School will help them to train more missionary workers to keep up with the discipleship of those who are coming to the Lord.

Within the next two weeks we will have a team travelling to the North Africa region. Much prayer is needed for the Gospel to spread in this region that has a population of nearly 260 million.

This week we had our first Live School graduation in Uruguay in South America and two weeks later a graduation will take place in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires.
A Glimpse into the Near Future
An extensive itinerary is being arranged to meet with key leaders in Russia, where we have been working for many years. The church is doing well in Russia and many are looking forward to the day when the vision that Hudson Taylor (Missionary statesman to China in the 1800 hundreds) will come to fruition. Take a moment to watch this short video to be inspired by Taylor’s vision:
In March, we have a road trip from South Africa to Botswana, where we will visit and see first-hand the work of one of our Live School trained missionaries among the Basarwa people who live in the desert of this arid country.
During the trip, we will also be part of a pastors conference and graduate Live School students coming from four different centers of Botswana.
We are also busy translating the Live School that will be used in a country that is very hostile to Christians. This project is set to be completed in the third quarter of this year. Please join us in prayer as we move forward with this important project.
Click the thumbnail on the left to watch Jacob’s story and hear how he plans on sharing the gospel with his community now that he’s been trained by Live School!
Intercession and Prayer
The backbone of the World Mission Centre lies in the intercession and prayer base in South Africa, the USA, and with the many friends like yourselves who continually pray for us. Please let us know if you would like to join one of the prayer teams.
Points of Concern
We have learned with great concern about the persecution of Christians taking place in India.
Please see the map ➡️ and take some time to pray for the brothers and sisters that are valiantly laboring under difficult circumstances to gather in an enormous harvest.

One of our key partners and great friends of the ministry, Pastor Raffi Shahverdyan from Armenia, has gone to be with the Lord. He was a leader among leaders that had a heart for his people but also for the Iranian people both in Iran and those scattered around the globe. We will sorely miss him as I am sure his family and church are doing also.
Tony Lacerda, one of the key people that did the Portuguese translation of Live School, passed away in Ireland. He was so committed to the Lord, His Kingdom, and the Portuguese speaking people around the world.
There is much happening globally with World Mission Centre and Live School, and this again is just a small sampling.
We couldn’t do what we do without you.
We thank you for your continued prayer and generous financial support.
Willie & Lydia Crew on behalf of the World Mission Centre team!