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Do you ever wonder what you were created for? How does this affect your view towards others, how does it affect your life’s choices and pursuits?

We were created for a purpose and God has a stake in your life, that like Abraham, the nations of the earth will be blessed through you (Gen 12:3b). How do you impact someone from a different culture and how you can expand your capacity beyond the confines of your local church, ministry, and city? At FOSALEC, we strive to answer these and other questions through our training program using the Live School Curriculum.

We were created to worship God. His heart for worship is revealed in Revelations (7:9) with all the nations gathering to worship in His throne room. In Acts (1:8), before, his ascension, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to Go and Make disciples (Matt 28:19-20). They were to be empowered by the Holy Spirit for this assignment. Evangelism and winning souls touch God’s heart, hence the proclaimed blessings on the feet of whoever brings good tidings (Isa 52:7, Rom 10:15). The lost are precious in God’s eyes and the reason for which Jesus Christ came (Lk 19:10). Although we are living in dangerous and challenging times, we must strive for the fulfilment of God’s great desire; Let us pray that He will use our lives as the road He travels on to redeem, change, reform and transform many that may be in need as well as lost through the enablement of His grace and Spirit.

We have heard calls and earnest prayers for revival in this time and age. Some of us may have experienced or have heard of the widespread move of God in clusters around the world. As we look unto God and desire to grow in intimacy with Him, it is paramount we look into ourselves and ask, “Why am I in the kingdom in such a time as this?” Besides cultivating and enhancing our spiritual acuity for the immediate people around us, God anticipates our participation in His body and the world globally. Technological advances have merged the world into a global village with countless opportunities to win souls and make a difference with the Gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The next and upcoming generations have become serious targets for the enemy’s destruction yet God has laid upon us the charge to transform lives, our cities, schools, and workplaces with His word. You are that precious vessel that the Lord needs to invoke transformation and heal that broken soul, deliver that alcoholic, pass Godly legislation and be a force of influence wherever you are. Daniel was just like us, in a wicked Babylon but he shook the lives of kings, policymakers and an entire nation for many generations. During his time, he stood out as a conduit for God’s power. It is time, your time to arise and be the force of power in the world for evangelism, mobilization and transformation through the Word of God.

May God’s word in you rage like fire (Jeremiah 20:9b) and His goodness cause you to spit it out to the entire universe. That our tongues will write skillfully (Psalms 45:1b) of the wonders of God and that we will be great swordsmen (Hebrews 4:12) as we position ourselves for a great harvest worldwide.

Let us Journey Together at FOSALEC

FOSALEC Mission Training
Facilitating Ongoing Church Planting in Unreached Stations (FOSALEC) is a Missions and Leaders Training School facilitated by World Mission Centre Eastern Africa.

The training program seeks to empower national believers with a desire to grow their relationship with God and have a heart for the nations through a systematic training program. It is focused on Character Development, Cross-Cultural Communication, Missions and Leadership among other essentials to complete an individual’s preparation for life and ministry.

Although the training is a once-off program, the goal is to produce individuals whose lives impact will outlast their training days both in the field and in their personal lives. We desire to see graduated trainees involved in an aspect that will facilitate God’s eternal purpose.

1 Timothy (3:15) declares the Church to be the pillar and foundation of truth. FOSALEC seeks to raise an army through whom God’s work can be established and fulfilled across the many areas of need around the world. From the jungles of the Amazon to Africa, North America and Europe with their declining Christianity, Islam dominated lands of North Africa and the Middle East, India and the Hindu kingdom of Nepal to China and the urban concrete cities of our nations.

Of the World’s 16000 people groups, approximately 7000 are considered unreached with the Gospel. This translates to 1/3 of the world’s population without the opportunity to hear and make a decision for Christ. Despite this desperate need, 1 out of 10 of the 300 000 cross-cultural workers in the world work among the Least and Unreached People Groups.
The dream of FOSALEC and Live School is to give each and every person an opportunity to hear the Gospel, repent and be transformed by Jesus Christ.

We are committed to raising workers who will rise to impact not only their communities but even those around them. These workers may be the very key that will spearhead one of the greatest moves of God in their generation.
The acronym, FOSALEC spelt in full outlines the regions and areas of our focus. From the African South to the Sahara and the North; we believe that any meaningful missional engagement must propel us towards the North.

About the Curriculum

The Live School is an Outcome based curriculum that was designed by the International Coalition of Mission Trainers, under the leadership of Dr Bill Taylor, the former chairman of the World Evangelical Alliance. The 31 sessions cover various subject areas such as:

  1. Character and Spiritual Development
  2. Foundational Theology
  3. Foundational Missiology
  4. Principles of Research
  5. Ministry Skills
  6. Acts of Kindness
  7. Cross-Cultural Ministry

Presenting the Curriculum

Live School is a pre-recorded visual course content tool. Students will be expected to go through all the theory lessons followed by a field practical in selected areas. Not only does Live School inform the mind, but it also expects every person to practically apply what they have leant in theory.

Considering the urgency, confusion and lostness in our generation, we have prepared classes to help in your equipping for the task at hand. FOSALEC will have its classes in Trimesters for 15 months exclusive of the outreach. Classes will take place remotely 3 times a week from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm East Africa Time, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Pretoria) South African Standard Time, and 5:30 pm to 7:30 Pm (Libreville) West African Time– every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday plus one preferred Saturday of the month for team building and other practical input.

More information on the Live School Curriculum is available here.

After Completion

After successful completion of LS, one will receive a Certificate from the World Mission Centre.

Students may continue to pursue theological studies at South Africa Theological Seminary (SATS) and will receive:

  • 60 credits towards a Higher Certificate in the Christian Life Undergraduate Program.
  • An additional 36 credits towards the Bachelor of Theology Graduate Program.
  • A further maximum of 36 credit hours will be given towards the Bachelor of Theology Graduate Program based on the years of confirmed ministry experience: 3-5 years (12 Credits), 6-8 years (24 credits) and 9+ years (36 credits).


  • Apply for an accredited ministry degree from Vision International University at a very competitive and affordable fee.
  • Qualify for a Reformer Certification underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance by taking four additional subjects.

With Live School you become a part of God’s growing family across the 120 countries at present, with more to come in areas where Live School is active.

The School Calendar

The training will commence officially with orientation on May 13th 2025 and conclude with graduation on 28th November 2026. Classes will run as follows.

Semester 1………………………………. 13th May-14th August 2025
Semester 2………………………………. 2nd September -27th November 2025
Semester 3………………………………. 6th January -27th June 2026

Application Process

Prospective students are expected to register online at www.worldmissioncentre.com/fosalec-application/ and submit a Non-Refundable fee of $20 by 30th April.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees will be charged per Semester as follows.

Semester 1……………… $100
Semester 2………………. $100
Semester 3……………… $100

Students are requested to plan and organize their finances in time to facilitate the smooth running of the training.

Contact Persons

For more information on the training and other programs, please contact Magdalyne Malkia at +254 706747410 or via email at training-ea@wmcint.org