With wisdom that comes with age, they have recognized the need to raise up a team of younger leaders that can guide WMC into the future. For this reason they now spend considerable time mentoring the next generation of missional leaders. For most of the regional team leaders and their families, Willie and Lydia are like second parents.
Extol the Lord!
Celebrating and reflecting on an amazing year.
Journey Through Kenya (Summer 2018)
In summer 2018 the media traveled around Kenya to hear testimonies from the locals on what Live School has done in their regions. “Kenya: Tell the Story” footage of trip is coming soon to tell you about these amazing stories.
Matthew 9:38 around the world
“Around the world, committed believers are eager to be disciplined and trained to gather in the great end-time harvest.” Willie Crew testifies to what he has seen happening across the globe.
Week of Bounty
The Week of Bounty is just that—a dynamic yet simple strategy that is very easy to do in your local church.
Celebrating 30 Years (January 2019)
There is GREAT EXCITEMENT stirring from various places around the world about the RWH conference.
Extol the Lord (December 2018)
“Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.” Psalm 117
Walking on Water in India
Big dreams are starting to become reality in India.
Around the World
An update from Willie and Lydia.
The Harvest in Costa Rica
The need to train workers in Central America is very evident in the response of the pastors.
More interest in Live School in Nicaragua.