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God at Work

About two years ago, after years of battling to gain access into the Horn of Africa, God changed this when He sent us a young Somali couple as part of our Live School facilitators training in Nairobi CBD.

After the training, we gave him our portable projector and a Live School unit for their secret team of converts scattered across different fellowships where they live.

Due to security and life-threatening risks, it was not possible to follow up on the progress, needless to say, my meeting with him back in Nairobi two years later was one of the most refreshing meetings I have attended in light of the pandemic.

Former Muslim taking part in a tie and dye skill empowerment

He reported that they have been going through the Curriculum, but language was a challenge forcing him to transcribe the lectures into Somali. It being a visual curriculum, has been most beneficial for the orate majority of converts.

The Chronological Approach has struck a major chord with many, especially by seeing the power of the incarnational approach in the field on ‘Etaow’.  It brought home a challenge on how a believer must live and what they must do to reach others.

Although risks abound with kidnappings and extortions on the rise, he raised the need to visit them in the frontline, and I felt it to be a necessary risk by the grace of God.

Their days within the country are numbered and we need to do all we can to invest the best we have to prepare them for what lies ahead, should they be moved according to the current government stance.

His heart burns to get the Gospel to his People Group.

He recently returned from the frontlines going through militant terror territories on a journey that took him through key towns where God opened doors.

His heart like Paul in Romans 9, burns for his people and I pray God will grant us a portion with them in the Horn.

We are presently working on a plan to get to the frontline as he requested, but I cannot disclose the details.

We are leaning on God to make it possible to realize all the necessary logistics and finances to make the trip under the radar before the end of this year. 

At the end of our meeting, I was beyond words and could only think of the words of Christ that we must work while it’s day because night comes when no man can work.

In the two years without contact, God never stopped working.  

In about two weeks, I will head off to five different locations in Tanzania’s mainland and Islands, while my team is organizing to take a group of young believers to one of the People Groups in Kenya to help a young Church plant.

Underground Fellowships in one of the horn of Africa countries

Handing over Live School Unit and projector after Facilitators Training

During the trip, I will train a country coordinator for Tanzania, conduct mission awareness and training with various groups of pastors, train pastors that will launch local mission centers to train their own local people as well as missionaries and church planters. 

We are grateful for our friends and partners who faithfully hold our hands while asking if you can refer us to someone we can talk to about support and partnership.

God is at work. 

Please pray and consider partnering with us or making a donation to help us through these initiatives and our work in Eastern Africa. 

You can do this either by going online to www.worldmissioncentre.com or writing a cheque to the World Mission Centre, 229 Bookman Mill Road, Irmo, 29063.

Indicate either Eastern Africa, Horn of Africa or Tanzania on the memo for reference. 

If in South Africa, you can do a cheque deposit or an EFT to World Mission Centre International, Account No: 1602 117411, Branch Code: 198765.

Email proof of payment to paulo@wmcint.org 

For Kenya, go to Mpesa Pay Bill No: 400222, Account Number 182 7235#(Your name)