A good friend from South Africa, Pastor Ivor Temlett, and I are busy with meetings in India to arrange the launch of the Hindi Translation of the Live School later this year. This meeting was arranged by the India Christian Media Association (ICMA). We’ve had good meetings and have established a number of partners who will be involved in rolling out the Live School.
Twenty-seven leaders attended the informational meeting in the board room of the YMCA in Delhi, and thereafter, we had individual meetings with leaders who could not attend the informational meeting. Twelve leaders committed to start Live Schools in their churches/organizations. They will form the first partners of Live School in the country, and collectively, they indicated that they could use 134 Live Schools in the coming months. As a result, we will be training the first 40 facilitators immediately after the launch!

We had a few hours available to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World – the Taj Mahal – that is about 220 km from Delhi.

On our way to India, we stopped over in Singapore where I had the privilege of preaching in the three services of Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC) – two in English and one on Mandarin. Each of the services is broadcast to a second venue in another part of city. Somehow I felt that the Mandarin service was a precursor to the start of the Mandarin translation of the Live School, which we plan to begin in 2018. It was such a blessing to reconnect with Pastor’s Lawrence and Nina Khong and to spend time with their son, Daniel Khong!

Back on African soil, our Southern African team leader, Pastor Isaac Modise, spoke at the graduation of one of the Live Schools in Soweto, a city of around 1.3 million people. The students have been on several outreaches during their training. The church already has another group of students prepared to start the next intake of the Live School. What an absolute blessing to see how the harvest force is growing in Soweto, South Africa!

Our West African team has just ordered another 40 Live School units that will be taken to the region in the next few weeks.
Plans have been made for July for the graduation service of the first group of students in Mozambique who have gone through the Portuguese version of Live School.

A team from our USA office, consisting of William Jr., Bucky Drake, Jim Hartman, and Michael Lobmeyer, recently returned from Guatemala and El Salvador where they held two pastors’ meetings to explain how the Live School can help the churches by training their members to join the harvest force. The USA team will return to these two countries soon to train the facilitators, some of whom have already started to recruit their students!