Dear Friends and Family,
We cannot believe we are already half-way through 2018. Seems like the years keep going faster and faster. 2018 has been a big year of transition for us as a family, and we stand strong and confident saying that God is so GOOD and so FAITHFUL, and even when we don’t know, He knows everything.
Allow us to share a few things that have happened in the last few months, as well as what will be happening in our lives soon.

Our son Matthew graduated from middle school and will be attending high school in the fall. He also attended his first formal this past semester. Cayleigh graduated from elementary school and will start attending middle school in the fall. She started violin this year and thoroughly enjoys music. They both amaze us as they grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. We feel so blessed to be their parents.
This past April we celebrated 20 amazing years of marriage, and we are looking forward in anticipation to what God is going to do in and through us in the next 20 years!
We were unexpectedly asked to move out of our rental home at the end of April. Although this came at the worst possible time in the year, we had peace and a sense of excitement for a new season and a home that we can call our own. God made a way, gave us favor, and provided a beautiful home for us. This new home of ours is HIS and we look forward to blessing the many lives that come through our doors.
William & Shirley Crew