How to Start a Live School Group on the Monarch Project
The Live School Monarch Project (LSMP) can be done in groups we call “Partnerships.” A partnership is any sort of agreement that World Mission Centre has with a church, organization, or group of people where they use the Live School Monarch Project to facilitate their own students ultimately to receive their Live School certificate and disciple the least reached among us.
Navigate to the Live School group application on the live School Monarch Page.

On this form, you will see general questions regarding your group. Sometimes, groups grow large, and smaller groups need to be created. Therefore, the group application form asks whether or not your group is a part of a larger group. If this does not apply to you, click the “no” checkbox.

Pay attention to the name of the group, as your future students will need to select this group name among others to join your group.
You will be asked to verify that you will uphold the requirements that it takes to graduate with your Live School certificate. This includes having your students upload their homework and be involved in at least one local or international outreach as a team. More info on the requirements to graduate can be found on the How to Submit Homework tutorial
A leader of a group of Live School students on the Monarch Project can view students’ progress by seeing their reflective notes. The facilitator of the partnership recruits the students, instructs the students on how to enroll for Live School in their group, disciples the students, and motivates them to fulfill the requirements of the Live School curriculum.
We (the World Mission Centre) provide the facilitator with the resources they need to lead the Live School partnership using the Live School Monarch Project but do not facilitate the students on the leader’s behalf.
Once your partnership is approved, the group of students under your care can go to the LSMP sign up page and select the name of your partnership in the Partnership Selection field. After they sign up, their name and submission progress will appear in real-time on your partnership page.

Expect a follow up email after your application where we will chat to you regarding your application, and if/when approved, guide you along how recruit your students and review their progress through the Live School on the Monarch Project.
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