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July 2020 Communication / The Knaptons

Hello from the Knaptons in Houston, Texas.  God bless you as His highly favored children and ministers of the great gospel of Jesus Christ!  We are trusting God for more and more grace during these trying times as we continue to depend on Him, each other and our faith everyday.  God is not silent and He does not sleep.  He has much to say to us and do through us every day in prayer, reading the Bible, witnessing and worship.  

We are working with you to promote and facilitate LIVE schools across north India.  We are learning everyday to dedicate ourselves to His Word and work and to be obedient with you as we serve God together.  

Let us commit ourselves fully to this worthwhile endeavor to produce eternal fruit for God’s kingdom which is the salvation and discipleship of many souls for Jesus.  

Isaiah 60:1-5 also encourages us to look and see God’s glory is coming and to rise up and shine bright among the nations.  Verse 5 says, “Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth of the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.” (NIV)

We are blessed, not to consume the blessing on ourselves, but in order to be a blessing to others. “Blessed to be a Blessing!” If you haven’t already, begin to watch some of the LIVE school sessions so you will be ready to facilitate your students who we pray will be equipped to be the Next Generation of harvest field workers sowing in tears but reaping with great joy!