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Stories from Kenya - July 2021

From a church under tree into a building

In a small community in Kenyas’ Isiolo county there is a church building is construction among the Doroboand Turkana communities thanks to the generosity of willing friends and believers. The Church was started by a Live School graduate who currently has two Churches in the county as well as a Ministry among the deaf community.

They started meeting under a tree where the chairs were nothing but a rock. Every stone under the tree represented a person who was part of that fellowship. Now after many years of prayer, their prayers are being answered with the construction currently at 70% completion with only fittings, paint work and furnishings lacking.

The building has worked to encourage and assure many about the commitment of the Pastors’ commitment to them and made the community more receptive to the Gospel. For this we are most grateful. God upgraded them from under the tree into a building for His glory.

Transformation with a Prayer

A trip to the little village confronts one with a community caught in time between the past and present. Old building styles giving way to modern housing designs, yet the one constant thing carried over the ages is the community’s allegiance to Islam.

This is one of the fields where World Mission Centre through project FOCUS sent teams in 2000. 20 years later, the seeds sown through much difficulty and aggression have paid off. Although there have been a number of Muslim background believers that returning back to Islam, some have held on to their new found faith with unrelenting commitment.

The Christian School started by the missionaries in the place offer an opportunity for an army in waiting to be trained through Live School. We are persuaded that through prayer, transformation will take place in the community and the Lord Jesus will be exalted as king with many giving their lives to God.