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June 2020 India Letter

Dear Pastors, Leaders, Facilitators and Students of India Live Schools

We greet you in Jesus precious Name. 

Trust that this email finds you rejoicing in the Lord, despite the lockdown.

We are missing you, but thank God that He has His hands on your lives.


We believe that despite the many setbacks this virus has brought, that our Saviour is still in control and will bring us through stronger and more motivated to reach the lost for Jesus.

Let us encourage you in this time to continue to seek the Lord Jesus.

It’s a time when we can go before Him and relook at our vision, goals and strategy for 2020. I’m sure that time lines have changed because of the virus and your goals have been setback by a few months.

Do not give up, or right this year off. God still has much for us to do in getting our Live Schools started again and also launching new Schools. I believe that some of you, as you seek the Lord, will even launch a second Live School in your area to run concurrently with the one that you have. Or if you have not started yet, it’s a great time to hear from God where you need to put that School.

Romans 8:18 The apostle says to the church in Rome. – “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us.”

Whatever challenges you may be walking through, give them to Father God, trust Him and He will bring you through.


It’s a time to HOPE and to look ahead to what God wants to do in you and through you by the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:5 “And hope does not disappoint us..”

So we encourage you to look up and see the goodness of God. Ravi Zacharias said this: ‘No one ever built a legacy by standing still.’


We leave you with Romans chapter 8. There is so much in this chapter for the times we find ourselves in.

I want to encourage you to meditate on the whole chapter. There are so many verses of encouragement.

May God bless you, your families and your ministry. We would love to hear from you. Send us an email.

Many blessings

Ivor and Hilary

Email: ivort7@gmail.co