We are a registered non-profit organization that relies solely on donations from people like yourself. Make a difference in the kingdom today; no amount it too small or insignificant. Donate to the Live School, a particular region, a specific staff member, or a translation. Make your one time or a recurring tax-deductible donation below.
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Donate Assets within the USA
We now accept assets such as stocks, vehicles, gift cards, and others within the USA. All such donations are tax-deductible.
Give in South Africa!
Follow this link if you have a South African bank account and would prefer to donate in Rands:
Sponsor a Student
Many of our students live in regions with little socioeconomic opportunities. By sponsoring a student or region for only $5 per month, you are providing them with an opportunity to study in their language with a highly successful curriculum in training with a focus on community development, missionary training, church planting, and more.