Over 174 pastors and church leaders joined the joyous occasion. It sounded like a heavenly choir when all of the participants joined the worship team in singing praises to the Lord!
During the launch, we explained how local churches could implement Live School to train their members in becoming national missionaries who will reach their communities with the love of the Lord, evangelize the lost, and plant churches where they are needed. As a result, 47 pastors, including some of the most well known senior pastors of the city, asked for more information and expressed a desire to start Live Schools in their own churches. Lord willing, our Southern Africa team leader will soon travel back to Mozambique to meet with these pastors individually and determine a time and date to train their facilitators.
All the pastors who were present gathered in front of the stage to dedicate the Portuguese Live School to the Lord. Our dear friend, Bishop Zakes Khumalo from Swaziland, led all those in the room in a prayer of dedication, believing the Lord for a supernatural multiplication of national missionaries in and from the Portuguese-speaking world.
The following day we left Maputo and drove north to the town of Xai Xai. Earlier, in January of this year, we had started a few Live Schools in the town to test the Portuguese translation. The purpose of our journey was twofold. First, we wanted to visit some of the test schools and discover first hand what the impact of Live School was on the participating students. Although they had only been attending classes for a few weeks, we were amazed as we listened to their testimonies.

We will soon train many believers in Maputo and then further afield to the north of the country where pastors are eagerly waiting for the Live School. One of the brothers in the Xai Xai meeting offered to help take the Live School to Angola, which is one of the largest Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa.
The investment to place so many Live Schools on the field is enormous to say the least. But we dare to believe that the Lord will provide all that is needed as we continue to walk on this journey.
I am sure you can sense the excitement as 19 schools begin to train around 240 potential national missionaries from Mozambique who will have great impact on the Kingdom around the world!
Please see the details at the end of this News Bullet to see how best you can send your contribution.
Many blessings,
Willie & Lydia Crew