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Isaiah 58:6 isn’t this the fast that I have chosen: to break the chains of wickedness, to untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and tear off every yoke?


As believers we are called to action by our Lord Jesus, we have a mandate to share the good news with all the people. Our motivation is to raise a people who will respond to Gods’ missional mandate, by getting all people and exposing them to cross-cultural ministry in the mission field and the frontier districts, to help them grow an understanding of missions and develop a heart for the unreached people of Kenya and beyond and to also use their God given skills and abilities to influence and impact communities as they minister the Living Word of God.


The Area

Leparua is in Isiolo County in the northern part of Kenya, approximately 10km from Isiolo town. The place is semi-arid and receives very little rainfall throughout the year. Periodic droughts resulting in competition for natural resources and conflict by its pastoralist communities like; the Dorobo, Turkana and Samburu sometimes happen, but stability and peace has ensued as security has been put in place. During the day the temperatures tend to be high while low in the evenings.

The major means of transport is motor bikes (boda boda), hired Land cruiser or matatu (mini-bus). The terrain is quite rough and bumpy but as a consolation, one gets to enjoy a free Safari. Wildlife roam freely and can be seen either crossing the road or grazing on the scarce grass or acacia trees along the roadside. Some of the animals you may get to see are elephants, Zebras, Gazelles and Giraffes just to mention a few.


The People

This trip will focus on the Dorobo. The name ‘Dorobo’ comes from the Maasai word Il-torrobo for ‘the ones without cattle. Initially the people lived as hunter-gatherers but due to assimilation into other cultures, they have become pastoralists. They also engage in a bit of farming especially those living next to streams as well as bee keeping and running of small businesses like selling beadwork, kerosene, day to day essentials, food among others at their market day which is held every Saturday.


Religion and History of the Leparua Church Plant

Religious beliefs and practice in the region are a combination of African Traditional Religion, Islam and Christianity. The Dorobo maintain various forms of traditional animism, while some have accepted the Christian faith. One of our missionary partners and a graduate of the Live School has been working among this People Group for the past ten years. After years of laboring in love, he has begun to see the fruits. The community is responding to the Gospel. The church is bringing stability, peace, hope and change of character to the lives of many, as people are being transformed by the Word of God as they continually evangelize to the pastoralists.


The Outreach

We will be going there to celebrate the recently completed church building, as well as share the gospel with the people of the region while experiencing cross-cultural exposure that will help with future interactions with people from different cultures. Ultimately, it is our desire that through this exposure, you will understand God’s heart for the nations and His desire to re-unite all creation to Himself. At the same time, you will discover how you can actively participate in the Great Commission. Therefore, come prepared to learn while sharing the love of Christ with someone.

The Program will kick off on June 11th with an orientation meeting focused on your preparation and interaction with those you will travel and minister together with. The team will depart for Leparua on June 20th, and stay there till June 26th when they will return to Isiolo town for a debrief, before leaving for Nairobi the following morning June 27th.


The Cost

The cost of the trip is Ksh 11,000 per person. This will cater for your transport, meals and accommodation. Kindly note that the first six nights will be spent in the church in Leparua while the last night will be in a hotel in Isiolo town. With that in mind, it is paramount that you carry a sleeping bag. A comprehensive packing list and program will be shared upon registration.

You are required to register and pay a partial fee of Ksh 2,000 as a sign of commitment. The balance (Ksh 9,000) is payable by June 15th. All payments will be made through Mpesa. Follow the steps below:

  • Go to Mpesa menu and select Lipa na Mpesa.

  • Choose Paybill and enter business no. 400222.

  • For account no. enter 1827235#

  • After the # indicate your name and Leparua (1827235#fionaleparua)

  • Enter your Mpesa PIN then submit payment.

  • Kindly forward the Mpesa confirmation message to Magdalene on 0706747410.

Don’t miss out on a life changing experience, where God might use you mightily as we minister to the Dorobo. Through your obedience, the people of Dorobo will know that the Lord is God by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Liberty and development will come as the Lord sets people free from bondages.