Over the past few months our Southern Africa team has felt God leading them to focus more on equipping the churches in their own city and they now have a goal to start 50 new schools within the Gauteng province of South Africa by the end of 2021. It started as a response to the many travel resrictions but now it has started to yield much fruit.
In December 2020 our Southern Africa leader, Isaac Modise, had a meeting with some pastors from the area where he is pastoring a church. They were immediately interested and wanted their leaders to be trained as facilitators so we arranged to have Facilitator Training (Ft Training) in the beginning of February. After the training they immediately started looking for students to recruit and we now have 5 new Live Schools with between 4 and 7 students each Starting in April.

This is however just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout March our South African interns (Manie and Thabiso) have been traveling all over the province to have meetings with pastors from places like Soshanguve, Hammanskraal, Ga-Motle, Mabopane and other rural areas and towns in and around Gauteng province. They have been arranging to meet with pastors and are planning two separate Ft Training events each hosting between four and twelve new liveschool facilitators along with their church pastors.

Two weeks ago (26 March) they have had one of these pastors meetings in Hammanskraal where more than 9 local pastors attended and are now recruiting leaders as facilitators to be trained as soon as possible.