West and Central Africa

Region Description:
Our focus is on West and Central Africa, where our mission is to, “Open up the bottleneck of laborers to the mission field.” Our goal is to see 1,000 Live Schools established in the WACA region, resulting in the planting of thousands of churches among the least reached. Even now, we are encouraging Live School host churches to reach the Unengaged-Unreached People Groups (UUPG’s) and Unreached People Groups (UPG’s) of WACA.
Since February of 2019, all 24 countries of the WACA region are using Live School to train indigenous missionaries. We currently have over 600 Live Schools successfully running and over 6,000 students have gone through the program and have now planted over 1,200 churches throughout the WACA region.
Blogs, stories, and testimonies from the West and Central Africa Region
A Christian High School in a Muslim Area
This is what being light and salt is all about!
Story from Congo
“Live School is now known by all of Brazzaville.”
More blessed to give than to receive
Solar power comes to West and Central Africa allowing people to go through the Live School training.
Making ourselves available to God for His purposes
Chip and students in Cameroon learn that it is our obligation to APPLY the words that the Lord speaks to us.
WACA Team Meeting and Côte d’Ivoire Blitz
“My mouth actually dropped open in shock.” Chip and Kathy are amazed and encouraged in Abidjan for a team meeting and Côte d’Ivoire where many are hungry to learn.
Faith or Control
Chip practices giving up control and having faith that God can work through the West and Central Africa team to put on “the mother of all meetings.”