“Don’t close your eyes to the chaos that’s coming, when you see the chaos look for the harvest,” this was Pastor Willie Crew’s remark as he opened up the first session of the Running with Horses conference today. He delivered a powerful message about the new season of acceleration that has now dawned upon the body of Christ. Bill Taylor led the second session with an eye-opening sermon of the persecution taking place around the world for the Gospel. He shared many moving stories of the martyrdom happening for the Kingdom of God inspiring us to be obedient even unto death.

The breakout sessions were an awesome time of connection and fellowship as we heard the details of what is taking place in many regions such as South America, India, Russia, Central America, and more. Along with the sessions, the meal and tea times have been a wonderful way for leaders and missionaries from around the world to connect with each-other and build relationships that will further the Kingdom of God.
The breakout sessions were an awesome time of connection and fellowship as we heard the details of what is taking place in many regions such as South America, India, Russia, Central America, and more. Along with the sessions, the meal and tea times have been a wonderful way for leaders and missionaries from around the world to connect with each-other and build relationships that will further the Kingdom of God.

The final session of the day “Look at What God is Doing” was filled with encouraging testimonies of the continuing fulfillment of the Great Commission. Freddie Steenkamp, the CIS regional leader, led the conference delegates in a prophetic act of singing “How Great is Our God” in every tongue represented at the conference. The presence of God was evident in this act as our diversity came together in the unity of our love for Jesus and our purpose to do His will in the earth. Bishop Zakes closed out the night. He reminded us that intimacy with the Father must come before our accomplishments in ministry. Without Christ we are nothing. We look forward with anticipation for the upcoming two days of Running with Horses


Running with Horses is continuing to be an encouragement to local pastors as well as missionaries and leaders around the world as we build relationships and receive amazing teachings. We kicked off day 2 of the conference with a message from Dr. Phil Steyne speaking about Islam. “Islam is very missions minded,” he remarked as he dared the delegates to persevere and match the intensity of Islam’s persecution of Christianity with the love of God towards Muslims. We also heard from Grant Dryden about “Farming God’s Way,” which is transforming lives as people learn how to farm and cultivate using Kingdom principles.

A powerful moment of the day was when the conference delegates all over the auditorium bowed to their knees to cry out for God’s heart. Pastor Willie Crew led them to ask God personally for a deeper revelation of not only His joy, but also His anguish for the unreached people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pastors Titus Sitole, Ronnie Naldoo Tongaat, and John Thomas also shared and built up many local church pastors with their testimonies of how God has used them to transform their communities. Local churches became challenged with the truth that mission work is not only the responsibility of one sect of the church, but the body of Christ as a whole.
The regional breakout sessions were powerful once again as attendees heard amazing testimonies of how God has been using Live School, along with the yielded hearts of His children, to bring the Gospel into all the world.
A powerful moment of the day was when the conference delegates all over the auditorium bowed to their knees to cry out for God’s heart. Pastor Willie Crew led them to ask God personally for a deeper revelation of not only His joy, but also His anguish for the unreached people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pastors Titus Sitole, Ronnie Naldoo Tongaat, and John Thomas also shared and built up many local church pastors with their testimonies of how God has used them to transform their communities. Local churches became challenged with the truth that mission work is not only the responsibility of one sect of the church, but the body of Christ as a whole.
The regional breakout sessions were powerful once again as attendees heard amazing testimonies of how God has been using Live School, along with the yielded hearts of His children, to bring the Gospel into all the world.

The night ended as Pastor Willie had everyone put their cameras and phones away to protect a missionary from the Middle East who came up to speak about what God is doing in his region. “Islam is waiting for you!” He encouraged the conference attendees as he shared of the great harvest coming into the Kingdom out of the Middle East. Pastor Alok from North India also recounted many testimonies of God’s faithfulness to bring transformation in India. We are excited for the final day of Running with Horses as we will also be celebrating World Mission Centre’s 30-year anniversary in the evening.



The “Next Generation” was the theme spread throughout the entire final day of Running with Horses. Pastor Kim, who is currently a missionary in a closed country, opened up the day delivering a powerful message on the value and necessity of studying and meditating on the Word of God. He also shared how he disciples young people on becoming totally dependent on God and His Word. We also heard from Adriaan Adams who shared on the importance of connecting with and raising up the next generation. He encouraged the conference delegates reminding us it’s not about one generation, but all of the generations coming together as one.
Pastor Dave Cape gave a message entitled “The Responsibility of the Next Generation.” He shared many stories and testimonies of God’s goodness and love as well as the importance of aligning our hearts with God’s heart rather than mans. Conference attendees were moved as he brought Willie and Lydia Crew up on the stage to wash their feet at the end of his message. Servant leadership is an evident core value for World Mission Centre and it was beautiful to see our leaders honored in such a way.

Pastor Dave Cape gave a message entitled “The Responsibility of the Next Generation.” He shared many stories and testimonies of God’s goodness and love as well as the importance of aligning our hearts with God’s heart rather than mans. Conference attendees were moved as he brought Willie and Lydia Crew up on the stage to wash their feet at the end of his message. Servant leadership is an evident core value for World Mission Centre and it was beautiful to see our leaders honored in such a way.

The evening and closing of the conference was a monumental night for the WMC as the founders of the organization publicly past the baton of leadership to the next generation. John Scholtz, Chairman of our South African board, put it best: WMC “rather than having a leader with a team, we have a team with a leader.” WMC will now be led by an international leadership team. After much prayer among the team and a lengthy process led by Pastor John, William Crew was asked to be the new leader of the WMC leadership team. Everyone watching was deeply moved as Willie Crew removed his jacket and placed it on his son’s shoulders symbolizing the change of authority. William Crew then shared his heart, honoring his parents for all that they’ve built. He gave all the glory to God for what has been accomplished and what will take place in the years to come.
Social Media Highlights
Traveling within Africa is much different than traveling in the US! ✈️ Many of the roads are very dangerous and quite treacherous, not to mention flight schedules and times not always being what they say they are. Yet, many of our team members spent countless hours traveling to be a part of Running with Horses Conference! We are so thankful for our team and their dedication to Sonrise & the Great Commission! #sonriseintl #waca #teamcoordinators #liveschool #dedicated #runningwithhorses #wmc #greatcommission #blessed #thankful
Running with Horses conference is off to a great start! We’re looking forward to the next few days of connecting and hearing what God is doing around the world! #RWH2019 #RunningWithHorses
We’re now hearing a powerful word from our second speaker, Bill Taylor. You do not want to miss out on hearing what God is doing around the world! Check out our Facebook to find out how to tune into our live stream! #RunningWithHorses #RWH2019
Breakout sessions! These sessions are for guests to learn more about how the Gospel is impacting specific regions and how they can get involved! #RWH2019 ••• We have mission leaders speaking from Central America, Russia, India, South America, Epi-center, and more.
Mission leaders from everywhere coming together in unity to sing “How Great is Our God” in every language represented at the conference. #RWH2019
Many of the people attending the Running with Horses conference are involved in their churches or are pastors of their churches. These three pastors are reminding those folks that the local church is God’s plan to reach the world.
“The acceleration is in the spirit, and it is personal.” Bishop Zakes reminding us our priority must always be intimacy with Christ.
We were blessed by our intercessors this morning as they led us in worship. So thankful for these ladies who are so committed to prayer! #RWH2019
“Your anointing is in the Word!” Pastor Kim sharing with us this morning on the importance of studying and meditating on the Word of God. #RWH2019
What a beautiful moment of the conference this morning. Dave Cope washing the feet of the founders and leaders of World Mission Centre. #RWH2019
The young generation is rising up in the Kingdom of God! It’s awesome to see every generation represented at #RWH2019
“Last night was the final service of the Running with Horses conference here in Pretoria. It was an amazing meeting attended by many leaders and friends. Thank you to all who prayed and took time to join us. All the Glory and Honor belongs to the Lord!!!” -Willie Crew