
New students, join on the new site!
Current students on this website will soon have their account moved to the new website, details to come soon on the steps to take to ensure your account migration goes smoothly!


Experience 28+ Online Video Courses Designed to Help Equip You With Tools to Disciple Others and Change Lives
Missionary to Guatemala
Pastor in India
Pastor in Zambia
Pastor in Kazakhstan
1. Before you watch
You can watch the school at your own pace, but we encourage you to set a schedule.
In a full-time school, you will need to go through three sessions of teaching a day, taking 18 weeks to complete. In a part-time school, you will need 18 months.
You can decide how to fit in the curriculum over this period.
The preferred way to run the school is to gather a group of family and friends together to join in. In this way, you will help to train many more people to reach the lost. However, you are welcome to go through the curriculum on your own, especially if you live in a hostile or restricted country.
If you have a group, or would like to lead a group, please apply to be a partnership leader by filling out the group application.
It is best to have a set time for Live School so that everyone has it in their schedule.
Another way to do it is to have your group watch video sessions individually, at their own pace, and then discuss them together.
2. As you watch
Once you have your group together, have a time of prayer, and then watch the next video. (It is important to watch the courses and sessions in the sequence that it is presented on your thumb drive because the Live School courses build from principle to principle, which greatly contributes to the development of the student).
While watching the video session, take notes on what stands out to you.
Using your notes, write a reflection page, preferably in the form of a sermon. (In bullet points/outline)
Then, upload your one-page notes by clicking the “submit homework” button after each video session. You can take a photo to upload and our form accepts word documents as well as photos.
Keep your one-page notes in a file for future reference and use.
Continue with this process as you watch all the courses and lessons.
Once you are done with all the Live School sessions
A Live School certificate of completion is issued once these three requirements are met:
- You have gone through the entire curriculum (242 hours).
- You have uploaded 242 one-page reflections after every session.
- Go on one outreach to apply what you have learned either locally or internationally. Please provide pictures.
You can then apply for your certificate by emailing our Certificate Issuing Office at
Live School Curriculum
Live School is a comprehensive and portable missions training and discipleship program. It consists of 27 courses made up of 242 one-hour video sessions that seeks to train indigenous and local believers around the world as national missionaries who can plant sustainable churches and bring the Gospel to their own and neighboring people groups.
How Do I Get Started?
Watch the Live School Sessions
Submit your Homework
Get Certified & Be Released
Need more help with the Monarch Project?
Explore the Live School Curriculum
Recent Stories from the Field
Live School Statistics
Higher Education Opportunities
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Live School cost for individuals on the Monarch Project?
This $20 fee includes access to all the curriculum viewable on the Monarch Project on a phone, tablet, or laptop. You will also be able to
–Upload your one-page reflections
-Be eligible for certification after completion
-Access our Tech Desk for technical support
-Access the Discipleship Desk for spiritual and theological resources
-Join groups known as Partnerships so that your group can monitor progress
-Apply to create Partnerships
-Receive the Live School Monarch Student Manual
-Be the first to know about life-change in the Live School students from all over the world
What are the select countries that are available for the Monarch Project?
How do I see my courses after I have enrolled and paid?
1. login at
2. click on the My Courses button.
(You can also see your courses when you view your account.)
3. Select the Live School course in your language that you selected when you signed up
Don’t see the buttons you are looking for?
Email about your account and we would be glad to help!
What does a Live School Certificate do for me?
After their work has been reviewed by our team or the partnership leaders, they can get their Graduating Student Evaluation Form, needed before getting their certificate.
Once they have their Live School certificate, they can go on to receive up to 60 credits toward higher education from multiple different organizations around the world (Currently English and Spanish speakers). Read More