February 12, 2016
Dear Friends,
I have spent the last 10 days at Comfort Farm in Cape Town where we are busy with a special Live School to train men and women who have been selected and sent to us by some of our regional Live School team leaders. Once trained, these men and women will go back to their respective countries to help to start more Live Schools and also to visit and encourage existing schools. The quality of students is amazing and I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use them in the field later on in the year.

Uganda – Special Report
We recently got a report from a Live School in Uganda that has started 10 new “branch churches.” The pastors of the church that runs the Live School have a vision to train and send 1,000 young people to the unreached areas of Uganda and Southern Sudan by 2022.
East Africa
Paul, our East Africa team leader, is currently planning an extensive oversight trip that will take him to the Northern and Central regions of Kenya, as well as the regions around Lake Victoria and the Kenyan Coast. From there, he will travel to Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia before finally visiting Rwanda.
In one of the outreaches of a Live School in Kenya a notorious drug dealer gave his life to the Lord. He has been selling drugs for the past 40 years and was hated by many in the community because of the young lives he destroyed due to substance abuse through his trade. What a blessing to hear how the Lord changed this man’s life!
Southern Africa
Isaac, our team leader in Southern Africa, is preparing for the official launch of the Portuguese translation of the Live School, which will take place in Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique, in the middle of March. The launch is expected to be gala event where over 200 pastors are planning to attend.
West Africa
Chip, our West Africa team leader, has just left the States for an extensive trip to the region. His trip will take him to Cameroon, Togo, and the Ivory-Coast. He will be visiting existing schools, meeting with pastors, speaking at conferences, training facilitators, and starting new Live Schools. He will not only travel to the capital cities, but also to the outlying and rural areas of the countries where most Live Schools operate.
Please pray for Chip as he travels to several difficult areas due to disease and political instability. But also join with us in praise as Chip will also be discussing some very exciting prospects about future Live Schools with senior church leaders in the region.
Hennie, our team leader overseeing the Former Soviet Union, is preparing to travel to a number of countries and cities in the region in the Spring. During the trip, he will be involved in leading two youth conferences and a gathering called The Rise, which will involve regional Live School facilitators, students, and their pastors.
Mentoring and team leaders meeting
Lydia and I are busy planning for our international leaders meeting that will take place in March at our home in Paarl, South Africa.
Before this meeting, we have invited two of our leader couples to a weeklong mentoring session.
The Bible says that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; pray that the Lord of the Harvest will thrust out workers into the harvest field.
Please pray that the Lord will give our team laser-focus as we work toward training workers that will help to bring in the harvest.
We appreciate your prayers and support.
In His service,
Willie & Lydia
Get involved
We are looking for churches, organizations and individuals all over the world that would like to partner with us as we train 1,000,000 missionaries around the world.
Pray with us. Be a part of our prayer team. We have an extensive prayer network around the world and we would love for you to consider being a part of that.
As you have seen Live School is expanding rapidly around world. Would you consider in supporting the organization, a region or a staff member? No amount is too small and we have made it as easy as 123.