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Pastor Felix's Testimony

“I will be in trouble because you only want one testimony, but there are a lot!” That was the comment Pastor Felix from North Uganda gave when asked to share what God was doing. He was by no means lacking in testimonies of God’s greatness. He had just gone to the Northern District of Alebtong, Uganda and concluded an evangelism outreach and church leaders training. From there, he set off on his way back to Lira when the villagers went after him crying for him to go back because of the dead two-year-old child.

Pastor Felix had never done anything like this, but now he felt challenged by the expectation of the villagers, and by faith in His God. He had to make a decision to either move out of his comfort zone or ignore the desperate call of the villagers and go home.

He knew he had to go, but told God that he would be in trouble if he went back and the child fails to arise. However, the Holy Spirit gave him very clear cut instructions. Returning to the village, he took the child in his arms and did exactly as the Lord had instructed. The child jumped out of his hands alive and well! To behold this miracle only brought out his foolishness as he would say to God that he has no understanding of how these heavenly things work.

The Live School program helped him grow in his intimacy with God, and in his ability to discern specific God-given instructions for a situation. He reports that healings have become a common thing in the Church that he pastors. People have been experiencing miracles and healings whether Pastor Felix is present in the Service or not! He has trained 210 people using Live School, and he has planted 48 active churches between 2017 – 2019.