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Recent Stories from the Field

Walking in Obedience

Trusting God Even When the Circumstances Call for FearObedience to God is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith. It requires trust, surrender, and more often than not, stepping into the unknown. Whether in our personal lives or the mission field, walking in...

Why Every Christian is Called to Missions

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age - Matt 28:19-20The...

How to Start a Live School Group on the Monarch Project

How to Start a Live School Group on the Monarch ProjectThe Live School Monarch Project (LSMP) can be done in groups we call “Partnerships.” A partnership is any sort of agreement that World Mission Centre has with a church, organization, or group of people where they...

How to Submit Homework

How to Submit your HomeworkIt is important that Live School students on the Monarch Project take adequate reflection notes as they watch the sessions. To receive their certification, Live School students must do 2 things: 1. They must have submitted a minimum of 1...

Project Monarch Tutorial

Joining the Live School Monarch ProjectIf you are ready to enroll for Live School on the Monarch Project, navigate to The Monarch Project. You can also get there by going to the menu up top, hovering over Live School, and selecting Monarch Project. Once you are there,...

Field Update February 2023

Since my last communication with the World Mission Centre Boards, I am relieved to report that we have steadied the ship, and our international team of leaders is working as hard as ever to do all that the Lord has called us to do. Lydia and I have taken over the...

A Year of Progress

This has been a year of headway, development, progress, you name it; thanks to the boundless mercy and grace God has shown us. 2 Corinthians 3:5Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim that anything comes from us, but our competence comes from God.In March, God...

Why did Jesus tell his followers to GO?

Why did Jesus tell His followers to GO? October 31, 2022Jesus said to GO and make disciples but that requires believers whose faith is ALL IN . . . How close are we to this level of commitment? As our Lord said in Acts 1:8, we’re to begin locally and go as far as the...

Launching Live School in Mongolia

It was a rainy day when we landed in Mongolia. As we drove from the airport located just outside the capital of Ulaanbaatar it was difficult to fathom that 85% of the countries population live in one enormous city.I have never seen so much green grasslands void of any...

There are a number of things to take note of that you need to decide on before you start the Live School program. They are as follows:


Before you watch

1) The school can be done “fulltime” or “part time”

    1. In a fulltime school you will need to go through three sessions of teaching a day, taking 18 weeks to complete.
    2. In a parttime school you will need 18 months. You can decide how to fit in the curriculum over this period.
    3. The preferred way to run the school is to gather a group of family and friends together to join in. In this way you will help to train many more people to reach the lost. However, you are welcome to go through the curriculum on your own, especially if you live in a hostile or restricted country.
      1. If you have a group, please ask each of them to register on the Live School portal so we can verify their progress.
      2. It is best to have a set time for Live School so that everyone has it in their schedule.
    4. Another way to do it is to have your group watch video sessions individually, at their own pace and then discuss them together.


As you watch

2) Once you have your group together, have a time of prayer and then show/watch the next video. (It is important to watch the courses and sessions in the sequence that it is presented on your thumb drive because the Live School courses build from principle to principle, which greatly contributes to the development of the student).

    1. While watching the video session, take notes on what stands out to you.
    2. Once the video session is completed, take some time to discuss and reflect on what each one has learned. Encourage everyone to add any points they may have missed to their notes.
    3. Once you go home, using your notes, write a reflection page, preferably in the form of a sermon. (In bullet points/outline)
    4. Then, upload your one-page notes onto your portal on our website. You can take a photo to upload. So, no need to scan it.
    5. Keep your one-page notes in a file for future reference and use.
    6. Continue with this process until you have completed the course


Once you are done with all the Live School sessions

3) A Live School certificate of completion is issued once these three requirements are met:

    1. You have gone through the entire curriculum (242 hours).
    2. You have uploaded 242 one-page notes onto your portal.
    3. You have applied for your certificate by going onto our website and clicked on the “Application for Certificate of completion.”

4) If you intend to further your studies at the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) or The Theological Institute of Argentina (FIET), you can apply for a transcript by going onto our website and clicking on the “Application for a Transcript”

5) If you want to apply for the Re-Forma Certificate issued by Re-forma and the World Evangelical Alliance, you need to ensure that you have completed the final part of the curriculum.

    1. It is in a notebook format at the end of the Live School curriculum.
    2. You need to register for the Marriage course online. See the notes in the notebook for these details.

Once you have uploaded the required one-page notes, you can apply by going to our website and clicking on the “Application for the Re-forma certificate.”


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