Seven Steps to A Week of Bounty
By Willie Crew
Step 1: The local church decides to organize a Week of Bounty.
Step 2: Select a specific date for the Week of Bounty. While any week of the year can be chosen, many opt for the Week of Pentecost, which falls on Sunday 19 May this year.
Step 3: Form a small volunteer team to assist with the sorting and distribution of the collected goods.
Step 4: Before the Week of Bounty, request individuals in need within the church to fill out a needs list. This is particularly important for single parents, widows, and the elderly who often require various items.
Step 5: Encourage members of the local church to look through their homes and places of business for items they don’t use or need and bring them to the Week of Bounty.
Step 6: During the Week of Bounty, members bring their donated goods to the church. With the assistance of volunteers, these goods are then distributed in the following ways:
- Meet the needs of individuals within the local church.
- Collaborating with churches in underprivileged areas nearby, allowing them to distribute the goods to their members and the community.
- Partnering with non-profit organizations that work among underprivileged communities.
Step 7: Ensure that all the goods are distributed within approximately two weeks. It is important to avoid prolonging the project unnecessarily. There will be opportunities to repeat this initiative in the following years.