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Help Us Finish the Spanish Translation

Dear Friend,

As we began the process of starting Live Schools around the world, the Lord gave us a mandate to translate the Live School curriculum from English into 13 trade languages of the world. These 13 languages cover about half of the world’s population, thus enabling the Live School teaching to train thousands of missionaries in their heart language. To date we have completed nine of the languages with five remaining.

Translating the curriculum into a language is a mammoth task. It involves translating 4,800 pages of script, checking it for accuracy, dubbing audio in a professional studio, and then compressing and arranging it in the World Mission Centre media studio. The average cost of a translation is around $246,000.00.

Over the last number of years, we have consistently and purposely walked in faith to see this translation vision realized. We can testify that the Lord has been faithful and has supplied all that was needed for each translation to date. In some cases, a translation was paid for through someone who gave a large donation. In most cases, however, the cost was met by ordinary people to whom the Lord spoke and who added their faith to ours and sent smaller amounts of money that all added up to the total sum needed to complete the project.

We are excited to announce that we are almost finished with the next translation, Spanish, which we plan to officially launch in Guatemala City, Guatemala on September 23 & 24, 2016.

However, we need your help to raise the last $74,720.00 to complete the project in time for the Spanish launch. No amount is too small or too large.

Please make your decision to partner with us TODAY!

We have made is easy to make a donation on our new website: www.worldmissioncentre.com.
Click on the “Donate Now to the Spanish Translation” button. There you will find two very secure options where you can make your donation. One option receives South African Rand (look for the South African flag) and the other in U.S. dollars.

By helping us complete the Spanish translation, you are helping to train South American believers who are will cross international borders and enter countries where there is little to no gospel witness.

If you need to talk to me personally, please send me an email at: williec@wmcint.org, or send me a phone number where I can call you.

Stand with us in faith and pray for this need to be met in full in Jesus’ name!

Willie Crew

Donate Today!

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