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• What do you think of when you hear the word eternity?
• Do you ever wonder if this life is all that there is or if there could be more?
• What is the place of God in your life?
• Standing before the Almighty God when your life is done, will you look back and say you did the best?
• Will His commendation be Welcome, thou faithful servant, or depart from me you worker of iniquity?

World Mission Centre Eastern Africa invites you to Live School Short-Term and Exposure Missions Training – LS STEM where you will be challenged to internally reconsider the eternal purpose of God, the reason for our existence, and challenged to reorder your life with eternity at heart.

Using a series of selected sessions from the Live School Curriculum (an international curriculum designed by the International Coalition of Mission Trainers) LS STEM is customized to give you the best experience as a learner, motivate you as a disciple, challenge you as a believer, strengthen you as a witness, enhance your intimacy with God and ultimately, Character Development.

LS- STEM exists to:

Mobilize God-loving believers with a desire to improve their impact in life and ministry.
Train God-loving believers using excerpts from a quality-tested curriculum presently available in 14 world languages and active in 112 countries of the world.
Expose trainees to cross-cultural, cross-border, and frontier ministries for intentional engagement.
Raise partners for the Lost and Least Reached People.

Program Design

The 20-hour program will run every Monday and Friday from 8 PM-10 PM online on a Zoom platform with selected Weekends when the team will meet for group activity and Team building.
Participants in the program are expected to do a one to two-week Short Term Cross–Cultural Outreach to a preidentified area as directed by the WMC Eastern Africa.

Course Content

1) Ultimately it is not Missions, but Worship – Introduction to Missions by Willie Crew.
2) The Mandate of The Church – Introduction to Missions by Willie Crew.
3) The Weapons of Prayer – Intercession by Darleen Gibbens.
4) Getting out of your Comfort Zone – Process of Preparation by Wilie Crew.
5) Preparing for God’s Army – God’s Ways by Leone De Jager.
6) Motivation For Ministry – Discipleship by Randy Pope.
7) Understanding the Concept of Time – Spiritual Authority by Gunnar Olsen.
8) The Difference Between Success and Faithfulness – Perseverance in Ministry by Bill Taylor.
9) How to Take The Gospel to “The Man Next Door” by Herbet Behrens.
10) Eetaw -Chronological Approach- Gerson Celeti.
11) From Shepherd to King – Process of Preparation by Willie Crew.
12) Defining the Christian Life by Comparing it to an Eagle – God’s Ways by Leon De Jager.
13) Jesus Five-Fold Training Method – God’s Ways by Leon De Jager.
14) How to be a Peace Maker – Relationships – Graeme Lennox.
15) The Secret of Integrity – Relationships – Graeme Lennox.
16) Correct Tools of Evaluation for Christian Leaders and Christian Churches – Discipleship by Randy Pope.
17) Introduction to Financial Breakthrough in Personal Life and Ministry – Kingdom Economics by Clive Pick.
18) Great Faith – Kingdom Authority by Gunnar Olsen.
19) Differentiating Between a Learner and Student – Cross-Cultural Communication by Phill Steyne.
20) Defining World View – Cross-Cultural Communication by Phill Steyne.

To learn more about the Curriculum and the Lecturers, kindly click here.

Fee Breakdown

Tuition fees will be charged as follows:
Registration………………..Ksh 2,000 (non-refundable)
Tuition Fee………………..Ksh 13,000
Total………………..Ksh 15,000

Enrolment Requirements

1) Applicants are to submit a duly completed application form and attach all required accompanying documents.
2) Applicants must have either a computer or a smartphone to join the class when approved.
3) Applicants must have access to good internet to join the Zoom platform.
4) Applicants are responsible for covering the cost of their training as well as any other activity during the training period as may be advised, including their Outreach fees.
5) During the duration of studies, one is required to write notes for every lesson.
6) Once approved, trainees will be expected to submit a one-page summary note of every session and any additional work as may be required.

Course Schedule

• All applications are to be submitted by April 30th, 2024
• Theory classes will commence with Orientation on May 6th, 2024, and conclude on June 17th, 2024.
• There will be two physical meetings on two of the Saturdays during the training.
• There will be a short visit to one of the frontier fields and
• One to two weeks of International Cross-Border Exposure for the Class in October.

Contact Persons

For more information on the training and other programs, please contact Magdalyne Malkia at +254 706747410 or via email at training-ea@wmcint.org