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Story from Congo

Youlou, who coordinates Live School activities in the Congo for us, has the vision and is RUNNING with it. He recently was invited to the Congress Center to present Live School to the pastors in Brazzaville. He wrote, “Live School is now known by all of Brazzaville.” What is amazing is that the pastors present sent for their indigenous missionaries in the north before the meeting was over and had Youlou stay an extra 3 or 4 days to train on how to facilitate Live School! They will return to teach others with Live School in the far north to reach the harvest there.  When Youlou trains them on how to operate Live School, he also is briefing them on how to properly teach the students to use Farming God’s Way and seeing great success! Also, the Lord recently sent a LS graduate from Senegal to the Congo to help YouLou!  Amazing!