Submit Your Story
This form is also where graduating students from Live School can submit their stories on how Live School changed their life and how they plan on applying what they have learned. At WMC, we believe that sharing testimonies and stories inspire the global church to step out in obedience to the Great Commission. We select a few of these submissions to showcase monthly. Please fill out the information below as accurately as possible, and please indicate anything that should remain secret. (See examples below) There is a 2 Gigabyte limit on photos/videos and please remember to include a caption!
Example Submissions
Walking in Obedience
HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY PARTNER CONTACT US FollowFollow Walking in ObedienceTrusting God Even When the Circumstances Call for Fear Obedience to God is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith. It requires trust, surrender, and more often than not, stepping into the unknown. Whether in our…
Why Every Christian is Called to Missions
HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY PARTNER CONTACT US FollowFollow Why Every Christian is Called to Missions Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all…
Field Update February 2023
Since my last communication with the World Mission Centre Boards, I am relieved to report that we have steadied the ship, and our international team of leaders is working as hard as ever to do all that the Lord has called us to do. Lydia and I have taken over…
A Year of Progress
HOME PROJECTS STORIES & BLOGS OUR TEAM PRAY PARTNER CONTACT US FollowFollow A Year of Progress This has been a year of headway, development, progress, you name it; thanks to the boundless mercy and grace God has shown us. 2 Corinthians 3:5Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim…
Why did Jesus tell his followers to GO?
Guantanamo is one of the poorest provinces of Cuba. Pastor D is a church leader there. He leads and oversees eight house churches with a vision to spread the gospel in this region.
Launching Live School in Mongolia
Launching Live School in Mongolia It was a rainy day when we landed in Mongolia. As we drove from the airport located just outside the capital of Ulaanbaatar it was difficult to fathom that 85% of the countries population live in one enormous city. I have never seen so much…
A Live School Story – CUBA 2022
Guantanamo is one of the poorest provinces of Cuba. Pastor D is a church leader there. He leads and oversees eight house churches with a vision to spread the gospel in this region.
Accelerated Live School growth in Haiti
Over the years, Haiti has experienced tremendous challenges. Political, economic, social issues and natural disasters have decimated this nation. Many have tried to change Haiti but it is seen as a graveyard for projects of all kinds.
Cubans being trained to start Live Schools
During March and April there is a strong drive to equip churches so that they can train their people through Live School. Felix and his wife are busy presenting facilitator training sessions and once the training is over, multiple schools can start.