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Submit Your Story

This form is also where graduating students from Live School can submit their stories on how Live School changed their life and how they plan on applying what they have learned. At WMC, we believe that sharing testimonies and stories inspire the global church to step out in obedience to the Great Commission. We select a few of these submissions to showcase monthly. Please fill out the information below as accurately as possible, and please indicate anything that should remain secret. (See examples below) There is a 2 Gigabyte limit on photos/videos and please remember to include a caption!

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • We aim to be GDPR Compliant

    The European Union has recently passed a law, called the GDPR - GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION, that forces anyone communicating with others on media communication to get their permission to do so. Without your permission, we cannot put you on the World Mission/Running with Horses conference mailing list.

    Please find WMC's Terms & Conditions here
    Please find WMC's Privacy Policy here

Example Submissions