New Delhi – India

The conference was said to be the first of its kind in the history of the Church of India. Never before has such a conference been held in India with the diversity of denominations interacting in one room. Over 300 key North Indian Leaders representing various networks converged at this conference despite the growing fear being incited by social media over the COVID-19 pandemic. It was by God’s grace and His perfect timing, that our teams from USA and SA arrived in India timeously, as literally 2 days after our arrival, the Indian Government started revoking e-visa entrees.
With 220 Live School units safely delivered, we got to work assembling and testing each unit ensuring all was in order for the “train-the-trainer” training that followed in the wake of

the conference. Much preparation was required for this massive conference, and at times we felt more prayer rather than hands on work was required as the venue was still being built, painted and put together upon our arrival, much to our surprise. Caleb Theological Institute had taken possession of this place a year ago with much work to do but by God’s grace the teams worked through the nights to get the conference center ready for the big day.
Amidst the tense atmosphere good cheer and high spirits rose as busloads of delegates poured into Caleb Institute.
So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God. Phil 1:9-11 MSG
The conference began on a rather turbulent note. While being mindful of the necessary precautions we needed to adhere to, for the safety of our team and all delegates, we embarked on finding new ways to interact with one another. Adding to our woes with all the restrictions, was our walk into a massive spiritual whirlwind from the onset. What we had anticipated in the spirit, which is a radical shift in India through this conference, was also what the devil was detesting and set out to stop. From constant electricity short outs, to sound equipment not working properly, to individuals being used for disruptive agendas, to
Ps Alok (the conference host) falling sick and

barely being able to keep food down, to Ps Willie’s laptop flying off the pulpit and refusing to work just as he was about to deliver the opening message at the conference, and then him being unable to find his hand written notes that he had placed inside his bible and the list goes on but victory was always going to be ours as this was a God-ordained meeting. Indeed, the weapon was formed, but by no way was God going to let it prevail against His plan.
Thank you to the team who were on high alert and always willing to rally in and to our intercessors around the world – as word went out to them, we all joined forces to intercede and pushed through each level day after day.
Testimonies from active Live Schools
On the second night of the conference Ps Alok called up leaders from his network, who oversee various regions of North India, to testify of the impact Live School has had in their respective areas. We were left in awe, humbled and grateful to God for allowing us to be a part of Live School as we never truly know the impact each unit we carry will have until people testify of how they are using it to raise end time harvesters and the impact thereof. The one testimony that resonates with me till today, is that of a pastor from the deep north region of India. He attended the first Live School training hosted by Ps Alok’s network in Lucknow 2 years ago, where he bought his first unit. In the next 4 trainings that we did with Ps Alok’s leaders over 2018-2019, this pastor attended all these trainings and brought with him 27 of his leaders to be trained over this period. They went on to planted 27 Live Schools in their region and through the Live Schools were able to train leaders and planted over 800 house churches in a matter of 2 years! To God be the glory for this end time harvest of India.
Feedback from the conference
Ps Alok gave us feedback that many of the leaders were massively impacted by the conference and went back with a renewed vision and more determined than ever to do their part in reaching the end time harvest. While many were focused on their churches and keeping their sheep they had lost focus on raising leaders to reach the lost. Now we will see a new closed-fist of denomination working together to fulfill the great commission.
New Doors Opened for MORE Live Schools
Close to 180 of these key leaders completed a form showing interest in being trained to use Live School as a training tool in their renewed vision to reach the lost in their parts of India. The new trainers from the “train-the-trainer”

training will be given the names of these leaders who showed interest and training will begin with the 220 units that we delivered during this trip. We anticipate the demand to double in the next trip to India. Some of these units have been carried into the horn of India and places we have not yet been. Live School has reached new territories, places where some armies avoid yet the gospel share prevail. Now we are sitting on the edge of our seats awaiting testimonies from that part of India soon. We ask you to pray over these 220 units, these are seeds that will produce lasting fruit. That which we declare and decree, He shall establish.
New Delhi
We had the opportunity to minister to the students and it was such a blessing to impart the goodness of our Lord in whichever ways we could serve His people and help the grow closer to Him. Shirley and the dance team, each day after serving at the conference, gave lessons to the students and on the last night the students danced with Shirley and her team at the conference.
All of this is possible because of your partnership. Thank you for being a part of the end time harvesting. We encourage you not to relent now but as Phil 1:9-11 encourages us to look ahead, there is still more souls to reach with the gospel and we need you to dig deeper, pray more fervently, sow more generously into World Mission Center with blind faith trusting the Lord of Harvest not only to multiply back to you a 100 fold but to all pass this blessing to your children and their children’s children. We are gearing up to go again, we trust that you are ready to partner with us in the upcoming months by sowing, praying, or going! The Lord bless you, keep you, & make His face shine upon you.
Yours in His service
The World Mission Center – Team India.