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Update From Northern Kenya

Update From Churches in Northern Kenya

In 2012 the Swahili version of the Live School was officially launched in the town of Isiolo, Kenya’s gateway to its Northern territory. Since then, much progress has been made, but there still remains a lot to be done. Four years later, we felt it necessary to visit and witness what the Lord has done through the Live School curriculum in this part of Kenya. I (Paul) arrived in Isiolo last evening from Nairobi and today went to visit local churches that have been planted by some of the Live School graduates.
I did not know what to expect riding a top a motorbike on the long, dusty, and rocky road to the town of Leparua. Our unexpected arrival took us through the Dorobo and Turkana villages bordering Laikipia and Isiolo counties.
Although nomadic by nature, many of the local believers joined us in their impressive church – a church with no walls that meets out in the open under a tree. It was humbling to see and note that for seating they used stones. With a membership of about 70 people, the pastor told me that every stone under the tree where they fellowship has a specific owner.
From there we went 10 kms further to another church planted from the “tree church,” which is being pastored by one the converts who has felt a burden for ministry in his heart from the Lord. This pastor was challenged by the need to train his leaders to reach other villages, and he has decided to start a Live School in August.
Although there are believers in these villages, the villagers are still recovering from tribal conflict between them and the Somalis, as well as the Samburu people, which has occurred in the last year.
I had the opportunity to encourage the believers who all insisted we could not leave without eating or drinking. With hardly anything, their love and hospitality was beyond this world.
I am so grateful to God for the opportunity we have through Live School to touch lives in areas such as these for the Kingdom. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.


East Africa Regional Leader