The Spirit of the Lord is making Jesus known to more people than ever before.
I am overwhelmed by all that the Lord is doing and the resulting need for discipleship, leadership, and church planting training during my recent trip to India. The real possibility of starting 900 Live Schools in India in the next two years has my head spinning and my faith challenged.
During a time of prayer, Johan, a member of the team who accompanied me, played the song Oceans by Hillsong. The lyrics are such a reflection of all that is going through my mind and heart as we begin to plan our next steps in a country where the Lord is moving in a very special way. Some of the words in the song are:
“You call me out upon the waters;
The great unknown where feet may fail;
And there I find You in the mystery;
In oceans deep, my faith will stand;
And I will call upon Your name;
And keep my eyes above the waves.
You’ve never failed, and You won’t start now…
I am yours and you are mine.”
No doubt, the Lord is calling us to a higher level of commitment in our time and energy. He’s calling us to step out in bold faith and help local churches see the overwhelming harvest around the world and especially in India, which is part of the 10/40 Window.
During our visit, Ivor and I trained 109 pastors and facilitators in three different locations. We were joined by a volunteer team of three from South Africa: Alison from Cape Town, Lee-Anne from Johannesburg, and Johan from Pretoria.
We need 445 Live School units in India by the end of this year (2018). We are planning to start 28 Live Schools by April and another 450 schools in 2019.
When facing a huge financial challenge, someone once asked Corrie Ten Boom, “Where is the money was going to come from?”
She threw her hands into the air and declared, “Give us a few cows Lord!”
Corrie Ten Boom was referring to the fact that the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the Lord and He was well able to supply what they needed. Needless to say, their need was met.
So, we too ask the Lord to “give us a few cows” for the Live Schools in India.
We are going to need a huge amount of resources over the next two years to meet the need in North India. We look to the Lord for His provision and the release of all that is needed. We will soon launch a two-year campaign to raise the finances for 900 Live School units for this country.
In closing, please know that we love and appreciate you. We are so thankful for the time you spend in prayer for us and for your giving towards the work of World Mission Centre and Live School.