Why did Jesus tell His followers to GO?
October 31, 2022
Jesus said to GO and make disciples but that requires believers whose faith is ALL IN . . .
How close are we to this level of commitment?
As our Lord said in Acts 1:8, we’re to begin locally and go as far as the Holy Spirit will take us.
The Truths Behind Jesus’ Plan
But before discussing the logistics of evangelism, let’s be reminded that Jesus sought to empower His people to change the world. He never meant to do it all Himself as His disciples hoped He would. There are several truths behind Jesus’ plan:
• Doubts – “mental misgivings” – do not disqualify anyone from God’s calling.
• The Human Perspective about the truth of what’s really happening often falls short of God’s plan.
• God Is Sovereign over all that has to do with the end of the age.
• God Has Conferred Authority on His Son (and the Holy Spirit) for the work leading to that goal. Often that power is manifestant through our Lord’s church.
Where the Great Commission Teakes Us
When Jesus referenced Jerusalem as the starting point for BAPTISM and TEACHING, He likely meant for our focus to begin LOCALLY, i.e., (1) our own family (immediate and extended), (2) our own friends (in one’s neighborhood, from work, from social relationships), and (3) our own acquaintances (from community, vocational, and social involvements). But it was never meant to stop there:
• Affinity Groups – people from professional associations, from community groups, with common interests.
• Cultural Groups – people in one’s ethnic, national and/or generational community.
• The Rest Of The World – do you see the pattern here? Begin with those closest to you and broaden your reach as the Holy Spirit enables you. That’s your Kingdom Territory. This is not unlike the mustard seed Jesus described in Luke 13:18-19.
Five-Step Process to Obey the Great Commission
No matter how you define your Kingdom Territory, to GO and fulfill the Great Commission will always be a one-at-a-time experience of spiritual birth, growth, and maturity . . . both for you and those you engage. Reaching that experience can be described as a five-step process to Great Commission obedience.
1. Cultivation – Jesus used agricultural metaphors throughout His ministry, and recognized that most unbelievers are represented by the soils described in Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23. Often, hearts are hard, just as yours may have been before you were born-again.
a. Be a friend and Christian example.
b. Remember, actions are often more important than words.
c. Be patient; let the Lord do His work.
2. Planting – In farming, the seed is planted after the soil is cultivated. The seed in this context is God’s Word, THE GOSPEL. The likelihood of growth and acceptance is increased by the application of “fertilizer” to the seed, i.e., the story of your own life experience with Jesus Christ.
3. Weeding and Watering – This is the hard work between Planting and Harvesting:
a. Weeding addresses the need to protect against the false ideas and competing concepts that choke spiritual growth.
b. Watering involves the careful application of “living water” (John 4:10, 13-14) by a Christian actively participating in the spiritual journey of another person.
4. Harvesting – In spiritual life, Harvesting gets the most visibility, the very personal – yet public – commitment of one’s life to Jesus Christ. But the process of Great Commission fulfillment doesn’t end with the Harvest. Just as a new crop in the field might be damaged or stolen, new believers can be lost or mislead. Thus, the need for . . .
5. Protection and Preservation – This is the critical follow-up to assure the decision of the new Christian “sticks”.
a. New believers require mentorship and the opportunity for ongoing spiritual growth.
b. The experience of relationship with both Jesus Christ and followers of the Lord will assure long term discipleship.
c. Ultimately, this means incorporation into the life of a local church congregation.1
Where Live School Comes in
Now let’s examine the simple but overwhelmingly undeniable logic found in Paul’s letter to the Romans (10:14-15):
• One can’t call on Christ without belief.
• How can one believe without hearing of Him?
• And how can anyone hear of Christ if no one is sent?
Christ’s followers must GO to unbelievers if they are to hear of Christ and be saved. But the reality of being sent requires preparation . . . . and this is where The World Mission Centre’s Live School comes in. Live School will . . . .
• Teach in-depth preparation for evangelism and missions.
• Outline the methods of prayerful intercession necessary for Great Commission fulfillment.
• Disclose how one grows into a healthy relationship with God reconciling the weakness of our character with the perfection of God’s.
• Explain the Christian lifestyle of love and servanthood.
• Reveal the four secrets of healthy relationships (peace, patience, gentleness and integrity) that equip believers on both a level of character and of practicality.
• Show how Jesus led by example and shared His life with His followers . . . . and much more.
Go to worldmissioncentre.com/monarchproject for more information about The World Mission Centre and the 240+ hours of Live School curriculum, and to learn how to enroll in Live School.
Live School will PREPARE you to GO, just as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission. God’s Kingdom comes alive in the world when someone goes, proclaims the Gospel, and makes disciples. That’s the ALL-IN Jesus is looking for. The Great Commission is the GREATEST commission you’ll ever receive
“All the character traits that are not aligned with God’s word get exposed… Live School is somehow someway like a mirror, reflecting one’s own life.” -Billiot, Malawi
NEXT TIME: BAPTISM is the second part of Jesus’ instruction. Why did Jesus command His followers to baptize? There’s a reason and it’s critically important.
MISSIO DEI blog is a publication of The World Mission Centre

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