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Willie and Lydia Crew are the founders and international leaders of World Mission Centre. Driven by the mandate of the church in Acts 1:8, Willie and Lydia have spent much of their energy to provoke, enthuse, and inspire local churches around the world to the task of world evangelization. They have dared to dream and risk it all in faith and obedience to the Lord. They have dared to think outside the box and they have worked tirelessly at developing and testing models and projects in order to assist local churches in getting involved in missions.

With wisdom that comes with age, they have recognized the need to raise up a team of younger leaders that can guide WMC into the future. For this reason they now spend considerable time mentoring the next generation of missional leaders. For most of the regional team leaders and their families, Willie and Lydia are like second parents.

Greetings From India!

Greetings From India!

INDIA   A good friend from South Africa, Pastor Ivor Temlett, and I are busy with meetings in India to arrange the launch of the Hindi Translation of the Live School later this year. This meeting was arranged by the India Christian Media Association (ICMA). We’ve...

Live School in Latin America

Live School in Latin America

Toward the end of last year, we launched the Spanish version of the Live School. The launch took place at the SETECA (Central American Theological Seminary) campus in Guatemala. Since then, a team from the USA, Jim Hartman, Bucky Drake, William Crew Jr. – Who is our...

El Salvador Rises

It wasn’t until we stood on the top of a mountain several days into the trip that we saw the first white person in El Salvador besides those on our team. People don’t travel to El Salvador for tourism or business. It’s not really advised.

News Bullet – May 2016

News Bullet – May 2016

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” – Matthew 9:38