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My short journey through Ukraine became a very personal one, very quickly. We lived in this nation for eight years and it is hard to see what the conflict has done and is doing to the nation. In Ukraine we have had Live Schools in many different cities, towns, and villages. One of my goals on this brief trip was to visit some of them, connect with Live School students, and minister in local churches and communities.  What I will be sharing in this newsletter is my personal viewpoint and that of the people I spoke to.

For many years now, the Ukrainian church has been walking in the knowledge of a prophetic word spoken over her and the Former Soviet nations. Not only did Hudson Taylor deliver a significant word many years ago regarding a spiritual army that will arise from this part of the world, but he also gave a word proclaiming that the Ukraine would be the spiritual breadbasket.

Looking at the current situation, none of the above seem to be anywhere near fulfillment…until you start speaking to the pastors. 

Without any idea of what to expect, I entered Ukraine knowing one thing – that these promises God gave are still part of their destiny. It is very difficult to communicate a promise in the midst of chaos, but I knew I had to. After sitting down with some church leaders, I soon realized that God has already worked in the hearts of the leaders of this nation. Not only do they pray together more than ever before as churches, but they realize that this is an opportunity for the church to rise up. As Ukrainians, they know that God is busy doing something bigger than what they can anticipate! It is because of this I can confidently say that this war could very well be the instigator of a big revival!

In the meantime, God is using Live School greatly. In one church in Dnepropetrovsk, the Live School took a while to complete, but it did finish. They have adopted a village and have started a church, reaching out to this village in more ways than one. Now, the beginnings of a second church are in place! In a conversation with a second Live School partner, he told me that Live School has challenged their vision so much! He realized that they have been looking no further than their noses (his words), but there is so much more out there. They have sent a missionary to Rwanda!

Another pastor, with a rather small church in a small town was able to only complete one intake. Today he has given much of his church work to someone else; he is working on the front line with the Ukrainian army, serving and ministering to them, not as a soldier but as a pastor. He told me just before he left, “Hennie, if it was not for Live School and boot camp, I would not have been able to do it!”  WOW! I have seen and spoken to more Live School partners. Some have planted churches, and others have started rehabilitation centers.

In one way or another God is busy establishing a strongly rooted church in Ukraine!

The war is bad, I agree, but one thing is certain – Ukraine’s destiny and mandate has not changed! The good news is that more churches realize this call and Live School is now a key to establishing this work force!

Hennie van Loggerenberg