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Field Update February 2023

Field Update February 2023

Since my last communication with the World Mission Centre Boards, I am relieved to report that we have steadied the ship, and our international team of leaders is working as hard as ever to do all that the Lord has called us to do. Lydia and I have taken over the...

October 2020 India Letter Hindi

Home Live Schools Motivation Stories Donate October 2020 India Letter भारत के अगुवे, संचालक और छात्रों के नाम सन्देश – सितम्बर 2020, प्रिय मित्रों  केपटाउन से यीशु के अतुलनीय नाम में आप का अभिवादन कोरोना महामारी का समय अत्यधिक लम्बा होता जा रहा है  और निश्चित ही इस ने...
October 2020 India Letter

October 2020 India Letter

Home Live Schools Motivation Stories Donate October 2020 India Letter Message to the India Leaders, Facilitators and students – September 2020 Dear Friends, Greetings from Cape Town in the matchless name of Jesus. The COVID pandemic is dragging on for far too long and...
Extol the Lord!

Extol the Lord!

Extol the Lord! “Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.” Psalm 117 I was reading this short psalm this morning and began to focus on the words extol Him. A search...