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In the picture: A group of Armenian young people gathering on a large world map to pray for the nations. This took place on the last national missions conference we participated in just outside Yerevan.

In my walk with the Armenian Church and her people I discovered one of the most dynamic workers in the Kingdom. Not only has the church in Armenia embraced forgiveness towards her enemies but she has also made a decision to make use of every opportunity to evangelize and plant churches. This short testimony comes from the first Live School facilitator in Yerevan, Emelia.

In total, Emelia has trained about 125 students in Armenia. She is proud to say that, “almost all of them are serving in some capacity in local churches.” She further adds that, “about 25% of these trained people serve as missionaries to other villages and small towns in Armenia and sometimes outside the country.”

“We have started a church in Tbilisi, Georgia,” she said. “Others serve in a place called Nagorno-Karabach, a very difficult area to reach.

After finding out that a neighboring village in this area has no church at all, one Live School student took it upon himself to go there. Together with a local “brother” they started cell churches in the area.

One young man who had finished Live School had to go into the army. While in the military, he started a gathering of 30 young army men.

Another lady, who came from the Middle East, went back after she completed Live School and is now serving in a refugee camp ministering to Muslim children.

I can share no more since some are serving in nations that are totally closed to the Gospel.

Emelia is now living in Southern Russia in a city called Rastov where she has joined my Live School team on a full time basis. Seven new Live Schools have started under the leadership of Emelia and her husband, training more than 60 people. I will bring you more of their story in the near future. Well done!
