We want believers to bring Jesus to their own people.
The Live School is a tool to equip the local church, the Body of Christ, to reach the lost, those who have never heard the Gospel, so they too can come to repentance for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with Him.
Apart from the basics of the Gospel – sin, humanity’s need for a Savior, the atoning death of Jesus Christ, His resurrection and ascension, and His life in us today – other relevant principles such as spiritual power, evangelism, ministering reconciliation, healing, and deliverance are all covered in depth.

Students are also trained in how to practically communicate the Gospel clearly, simply and effectively. Students learn to share their faith and preach the Word in many ways: in one-on-ones, small groups, church meetings, large evangelistic outreaches, educational institutions, correctional facilities, rural villages and urban areas.
Botswana – A Live School of only 12 students led over 5,000 people to the Lord in eastern Botswana during their outreach phase.
Mangochi, Malawi – At one Live School’s outreach, where they showed the JESUS film, over 700 people attended and more than 200 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The Kwando of Angola – A Live School missionary had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with the chief of the Kwando people. The chief gave his life to Jesus and summoned the village together to present and affirm the message of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Thirty villagers immediately became believers and 27 others soon followed. The chief provided land for a church building and the new Kwando believers volunteered to build the structure.