We believe in planting self-sustainable and reproducible churches.
Church planting is one of the highest values of the Live School. The school’s curriculum was specifically designed to train missionaries planting churches among unreached people groups.
The Live School was also designed to be run in a local church under the oversight of its pastor. This gives the local church ownership and the opportunity to train its own members who are then sent to unreached towns or villages where they believe a church should be established. The new churches thus become extensions of the churches that plant them. The leader might be dedicated to that body of believers alone or oversee several. In most cases, these local churches build a meeting place, usually from indigenous materials.
Live School defines a church as, “A group of believers, meeting regularly, ‘devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer’ (Acts 2:42).”
The Live School also adheres to several principles of what a church should be:
- Self-propagating – reproducing itself by making disciples, establishing cell groups, training and raising up leaders, releasing ministries and planting other churches where there are none.
- Self-governing – identifying, raising up, and training leaders from its midst that can lead the church in its endeavors in the Kingdom.
- Self-supporting – supporting itself in order to remain healthy.
No churches planted by Live School students belong to the Live School. In fact, Live Schools do not have any churches. Live School always works alongside the national church, of various denominations who have the oversight of the new churches

Malawi – The Nkopola Live School, started by Pastor Peter Likakwa, was held on the western shores of Lake Malawi. The first two groups of students established seven churches in 18 months during their outreach phases among a predominantly Muslim people group on the other side of Lake Malawi. Live School graduates now pastor those churches full time and current students at the Nkopola Live School work alongside these churches.