We believe in bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard.
Live School was specifically designed to train people to reach unreached people groups. The training has continually produced quality graduates with the passion, drive and will to reach unreached peoples and an ability to manage the harshest of situations and conditions.
Joshua Project defines an unreached or least-reached people group as one “among which there is no indigenous community of Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group.” These people groups often have no chance of hearing the Gospel because they do not know any believers. Unreached people groups often live in hard to reach places and/or have governments, institutions, religious groups opposed to the spread of Christianity.
Live School seeks to train indigenous believers who are amongst or near unreached people groups because they can more easily enter these groups and share the Gospel. Because the training takes place where the students live and at the socio-economic level of the society in which they live, those they are trying to reach do not perceive them as outsiders and financial support is less needed.
The Nantempo of Mozambique – Predominantly Muslim, the Nantempo were an unreached people group with no access to Scripture or to a Christian witness. In 2000 students from the Swaziland Live School did their outreach phase of training among them, and although they encountered much opposition, through prayer, preaching, and building genuine relationships, many came to believe the Gospel and a church was begun by the end of the year, led by a Mozambican pastor. By 2007, there were five churches amongst the Nantempo people.